Monday, March 16, 2009

Maniac Monday

Mondays can, quite frankly, suck it. The only way to approach them, therefore, is with a hearty dose of disdain and a sublime sense of silly. Or, as Cate Blanchett so aptly demonstrates above, your tongue out. So it is in that oh-so-serious state of mind that I approach today, this post and pretty much the universe. In lieu of a complex discourse on the physics of expectation or the collective zeitgeist of a day, I would rather just say, well, pffftttttt.

Jodie FosterShe it totally playing imaginary “Tune in Tokyo” here.

Tina Fey & Jane KrakowskiIt's like they're the wackiest funeral guests ever.

Lena HeadeyHow you like them apples?

Shirley MansonSomeone has a dominant gene.

Lena & ShirleyWait, robots? We're on a show about robots?

Helen MirrenThat is Dame Bunny Ears, thank you very much.

Charlize TheronSome say silly, some say sexy. I say why quibble.

Natalie Portman & Devendra BanhartFunnier-looking face or funnier-looking ex?

Gillian AndersonPaging Agent Scully Silly.

Kate Winslet & Cate BlanchettGod, they totally look like a couple at gay prom.


  1. great photos. i particularly love the one of cate & kate- gorgeous.

  2. Cate & Kate... I agree. TOTALLY gay prom. At least, that's how I'm going to remember it...

  3. Thank you, thank you for brightening my Monday morning with some Lena and Shirley goodness!!

  4. Anonymous4:08 AM

    kate & cate... *drool*

    ;)) babs

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM


    sorry, kate and cate just floored me.. DAMN!

  6. Anonymous6:17 AM

    That Kate and Cate picture is adorable...definitely gay prom!

  7. OMG...where did you find that last pic!?! Hilarious in a totally different way from the rest!

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Awwww, that photo of Cate and Kate together ... totally "gay prom"!

    They'd make such an insanely cute couple!!

    And you know, somehow I just KNEW that Natalie Portman has an awesomely disturbing sense of humour (well, part of that might be my incredibly long-running crush on her)

  9. Sigh - I miss a weekly dose of Scully - buit you already knew that!

  10. Anonymous10:47 AM

    OMG! That early pic of Kate and Cate..priceless!

    Guess they do know each other. Are they about the same age? They're strong rivals in the acting department, wonder what it'd be like to have both of them in the same film!

  11. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Thank you for another lovely post! Kate and Cate with Gillian on top...mmmm... What? Just commenting on the picture order...

  12. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Holy hell in a hand-basket!

    All the photos were cool, but I just blanked out for 10 mins on the last one...can't stop staring at Cate with those eyes...and that hair...

    No seriously, I may need you to take that down...with the eyes and that hair...

  13. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Great pics...definitely makes the shitty start of the week not as bad.

  14. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Thanks Dorothy for making Monday, even sweeter. Geez, wish I could do 'Tune in Tokyo' with Lena, apples and all! :D

  15. mmm Kate and Cate... what a great way to start and end a week!

  16. Anonymous10:27 AM

    luvs it!

  17. Anonymous11:21 AM

    cate n kate= hott

  18. I've been searching forever for a picture of Lena & Shirley together, and then you come up with this gem!
