Monday, February 16, 2009

Foster files

Jodie Foster
Hey, you know who we haven't talked about in a while? And by a “while,” I mean since last May. Well it's My Very First Weekend Crush, Ms. Jodie Foster. Before Tina Fey, before Rachel Maddow, there was Jodie. There will always be Jodie. Those alpine cheekbones. Those arctic blue eyes. That dykey voice. Heaven.

Jodie has kept her normally low profile since she finished promoting “Nim's Island” last year. The notoriously private star nonchalantly caused a seismic shift in her public persona when in Dec. 2007 she openly spoke the love that she had previously been decidedly mum about concerning longtime partner Cydney Bernard. But by next May all the gossip world was abuzz about her possible breakup with Cydney and hookup with screenwriter Cynthia Mort. I have no idea whether Jodie and Cynthia are still together. I have no idea whether Jodie and Cydney got back together. Nor do I particularly think that it's any of my business.

What I do know is that Jodie was at Sundance last month to support Uma Thurman and Minnie Driver's indie film “Motherhood.” Jodie has a small cameo in the comedy/drama about a mother (Uma) who prepares for her daughter's sixth birthday party. At Sundance, Spike Lee also revealed that plans for “Inside Man 2,” are still moving forward with Jodie and the rest of the original cast. Pending script approval, the sequel could being filming in late summer, early fall.

So, yeah, now you see why I haven't written about Jodie in a while. I ain't got much. But just because I don't have much on present Jodie doesn't mean I can't relive past Jodie. And with that, I give you: “Future Gay: A Video Essay”

The Early Years

Already she is the smartest little lesbian in the room.

The Tomboy Years

From the look on her face, grandma totally knows.

The Singing It Loud and Proud Years

A swing. A white tux. A French song. You're welcome.

The Advanced Gay Years

Trust me when I tell you that posting this clip 27-second of Jodie's only first* on screen same-sex kiss (from “The Hotel New Hampshire” with Nastassja Kinski, no less) will save you 108 minutes and 33 seconds of starring at your screen and going, “What the hell is happening here? Is that a bear suit? Fuck, am I drunk?”

p.s. Apropos of nothing other than that I know that white tuxedo fabulousness got your attention, only three more days to vote for yours truly in The Lezzys. See the mid-point vote tallys here. And thank you, thank you to all who have already and continue voting.

*EDIT: I forgot about that "Siesta" kiss. Hat tip, dairyqueen!


  1. Maybe because we're the same age or maybe its because she looks like my sister, dunno, but I've never had a crush on JF. And I had missed that "is it a bear" kiss. Now that I've seen it, I feel slightly traumatized. Does anyone have any coffee?

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Jodie has and always will be one of my favorite people in Hollywood. I think that she is a wonderful actress (albeit she does, like most other actors do a lot of similar roles) and I love that she has managed to keep her private life pretty damn private (when you consider the 24/7 media coverage of celebrities) and that air of mystery makes her all the more alluring... it's like the stars of the early Hollywood era, when there was still some mystery that added to their star power.
    I don't know enough about her personal life to comment much other than to say that I certainly wish her and her family well and that I'm glad for her that her sons are able to live a more calm life than many of the other children of celebrities seem to have.
    Thanks for featuring Jodie on your page... she does tend to get lost in the mix a bit since she seems to have such long gaps between films, and only when she does have a project that she has to promote do we tend to get our Jodie Foster fix. I'm glad you took the opportunity to give us a little Jodie Foster fix during the downtime!

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Siesta was truly a weird movie, but I'm pretty sure Jodie played queer -- at least enough to get my attention -- was there maybe even a kiss or some other kind of action? But that was so long ago . . .
    and what does it say that I would (half)remember this.

  4. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Jodie Foster postings are always very welcome!
    Oh, and there was some sort of intimacy and a kiss with Ellen Barkin in Siesta:

  5. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Thanks, love, i've been waiting for this tuxedo for quite some time :).

  6. Yum.

    The younger generation of lezzys just don't seem to appreciate women like Jodi.

  7. sigh, I've had a crush on Jodie for forever. Thank-you Ms. Snarker!

  8. I am utterly amused by your inclusion of the movie Candleshoe in this Foster rundown. My brother and I used to rent that movie from the basement at our church... I haven't seen it it about 15 years.

  9. Never mind the weirdness that is Hotel New Hampshire. Has anyone seen Five Corners? Very odd and yet further proof that I will watch anything that features Jodie Foster.

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Being part of a different generation, I didn't really know that much about Jodie Foster and her work apart from when she'd be mentioned on blogs such as yours.

    But now...*swoons*

    A swing. A white tux. A French song. Thank you.

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    “What the hell is happening here? Is that a bear suit? Fuck, am I drunk?”

    lol! Yep, that pretty much sums up that movie. Good post, though. Gotta love Jodie...

  12. There IS a reason that The Hotel New Hampshire is my favorite all time movie!!! Funny that I was just wondering why there hadn't been any new news on Ms. Foster...

  13. I love Jodie Foster. She is hot, and I appreciate that she keeps her private life on the DL. Such a classy dame.

    By the way, good job on killin' it in the half-way polls.

  14. Anonymous5:46 PM

    ds, i can't see some video,
    i'll see them later,
    how's goin today?
    i'm very good.

    see you,

  15. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Just an FYI: Foster played bisexual in "Hotel New Hampshire". Jodie did indeed have a kiss scene with Ellen Barkin in "Siesta" (although still not a movie to write home about) and Jodie also played with her sexuality in a film with Meg Foster called "Carny".

  16. Anonymous2:29 AM

    did you spend 108 min to find
    that point?

    a hahaha!

    thanks ds, ye the video is
    cool, but what makes me actually
    smile is you. thanks for sharing.

    have a great day, okay?

  17. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Time to watch Silence of the Lambs again. Fuck.

  18. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I adore her in Candleshoe, and be surprised... The silence of the lambs. She's adorkabley tomboyish! (Although she's around mom's age, so it's kinda creepy)

  19. Anonymous2:00 AM

    “What the hell is happening here? Is that a bear suit? Fuck, am I drunk?”

    Oh dear God, Ms Snarker, this is why I love you. A tip of the hip flask to you...

  20. I have loved me some Jodie longtime, but the French duet on a swing was even weirder than Hotel New Hampshire.

  21. ***Trust me when I tell you that posting this clip 27-second of Jodie's only first* on screen same-sex kiss (from “The Hotel New Hampshire” with Nastassja Kinski, no less) will save you 108 minutes and 33 seconds of starring at your screen and going, “What the hell is happening here? Is that a bear suit? Fuck, am I drunk?”***

    That is pretty much the best review I have ever seen of that film.

    I've had a thing for Jodie since Candleshoe.
