Thursday, November 06, 2008

My fair lady

After 48-hours filled with unimaginable highs and unacceptable lows, I think we all deserve a little mental health break today. And I can't think of anything better to clear our minds (more like empty them) than Kate Winslet naked. I can honestly say that I've never been so jealous of a jacket before in my life.

Among the many things I love about Kate is that she likes to say fuck, a lot. And that she always comes across as honest, sometimes brutally so. But, best of all, she just seems comfortable with herself. It's all so refreshing and grown-up.

I remember, back in her “Titanic” days, all the fuss about her supposed full-figuredness. Since then size has been a topic touched on in almost all her interviews. While it irks me to no end that any actress above a size 0 is subject to constant questions about body image, yet actors with spare tires and much more never get grilled on their girth, Kate has always tackled the issue head-on. In her cover story for the December Vanity Fair, she talks about her weight fluctuation in her teenage years that went up to 200 pounds.
“This is going to sound really weird, but I never had a desire to be famous. I never had huge ambitions—never.… I was fat. I didn’t know any fat famous actresses. I just did not see myself in that world at all, and I’m being very sincere. You know, once a fat kid, always a fat kid. Because you always think that you just look a little bit wrong or a little bit different from everyone else. And I still sort of have that. I often look at women who wear great jeans and high heels and nice little T-shirts wandering around the city and I think, I should make more of an effort. I should look like that. But then I think, They can’t be happy in those heels.”

Amen to that. Amen, too, to her attitude to working out now: “Everyone can commit to 20 minutes, especially if there’s a glass of Chardonnay afterwards.” Well, the Chardonnay must be working because Kate – and I mean all of Kate – looks great. Check that, fucking great. I am officially now jealous of that couch, too.

[Click to enlarge, trust me on this]


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    we could use more women with a healthy attitude towards their weight.
    still atleast another 12 hours to go... sigh!!!!
    -not happy jan

  2. That's just unfair... in Italy on this week Vanity Fair's cover we have Daniel Craig (eeww)...
    We want Kate too!! :P
    Thanks DS... That couch is indeed one lucky piece of.. forniture.. ;)

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    kate has been my favorite actress since "sense & sensibility".

    I even met her around 1998 in a bar in london!
    (well, I didnt really speak to her because I was close to having a heart attack, but I stood next to her for more than one hour, trying not too drool/stare too much...)

    thank you ms. snarker, for a little distraction!

  4. As much as I love Kate and her fuck you attitude, I think those photos are a tad too photoshoppy for my taste...

    Does anyone else want to be reincarnated as a fur coat?

  5. Anonymous4:28 AM

    she is certainly "drool-worthy"

    but is that real fur in the second pic? (I feel so turned on yet repulsed)

  6. Dorothy, you never let me down. When you say "trust me" I do and I'm always glad I did. Thanks for the welcome distraction.

  7. Dude, I've got to stop reading this at work.
    Magaret Thatcher naked on a cold day-spiders-cold showers-my grandmother-chicken pot pie-hairy backs-science class-math tests.... whew. Better now.
    Thanks for heating up the morning!

  8. Too much Photoshopping going on there. She doesn't look like Kate Winslet at all. i would not have known it was her if it did not tell me explicitly.

  9. the article's title is 'Isn't she Deneuvely?' - clearly a homage to Catherine Deneuve in Bunuel's Belle de Jour? Hence not supposed to look like Kate at all but as the lovely Catherine herself.
    I do however second the photoshop remark.

  10. She didn't lose WEIGHT did she??? Tell me nooooooooooooooooooooo lol

    I heart Kate :)

  11. I am personally very jealous of that throw. I have been a Winslet lover since "Beautiful Creatures". That movie was very disturbing but very good.

    Thank you for brightening my day with incredible images of her!

    Anne, you're hilarious.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. i like and don't like it. like, because it's kate and she's fantastic. hate, because she comes off looking more like bébé cougar than belle de jour.

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Love Kate Winslet. I hate the fact that in the first pic they photoshopped/make-upped her face into Sharon Stone Jr. It's like "where's Winslet"?

    The Denueve shot is good not only for the composition, but also for the fact that it looks a bit more (but not totally) like Winslet.

    Kate Winslet, at least from news stories, seems fairly straight forward and down-to-earth. I've always appreciated that as well as respected her talent since I first saw her in "Heavenly Creatures."

  15. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Very nice, but where's the lovely Kate?

    I liked the interview however, especially imagining the part with the Iris-Murdoch-brogue.

  16. Meant Heavenly Creatures. Whatev.
    Anyhow, check this out:
    Her Rep is saying that they aren't airbrushed. I don't care, either way she is HOT.

  17. Anonymous8:04 PM

    So hot! I agree that she doesn't look so much like herself in the first pic...don't like the hair. But I love the second one.

  18. Anonymous5:05 AM

    ? fat is better than skinny.
    I think cus, not all but sometimes
    skinny people look hungry.

  19. OMG! I have been in absolute droolfest love with Kate Winslet for forever and ever. Sigh....Sass factor of 10, gorgeous face, sexy body. Meow!

  20. I couldn't see the first pic the other day -- finally remembered to come back...

    That first pic is VERY Joan Crawford.

    I'm not sure I like that. hmmm

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Absolutely one of the hottest and most talented actress ever! LOVE her. Now, give her that bloody Ocsar.
