Friday, September 12, 2008

My Weekend Crush

Some very wise lesbians across the pond recently voted Rachel Weisz their hottest of hotties. My only response (despite the survey's potentially dubious methodology) is jolly good show, England. Rachel is magnificent. I do not use that word lightly. But Rachel deserves its full definition. She is a magnificent actress, a magnificent talent, a magnificent beauty. For too much of her early career she struggled to find material that matched her true abilities. But then came “The Constant Gardener.” I defy you to watch this film and not forever fall in love with her. It simply can't be done. Everything that made you care about Tessa came from Rachel: her passion, her sensuality, her determination. So the heartbreak of that film was knowing, from the start, that such a magnificent life force was so brutally ended. Because of that I could only watch that film once, good as it was. Still, I think what really makes Rachel so magnificent is that she has something so wonderfully womanly about her. From her face to, well, all the rest she is quite possibly the perfect Eve. (Click that, trust me on this.) Clearly, that apple never had a chance. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    That was a good call Brits! Thank you Dorothy as well for the meaningful depiction of her many skills and beauty. She has a wonderful smile and she's really talented. :)

  2. very nice choice for the first post-holidays Weekend Crush... godd call Ms.D :)

  3. Rachel is ultra sexy!

  4. mmm I've always been a fan. :D

  5. and I thought I didn't like snakes...or apples.

    See the brilliance of Rachel's art in The Fountain. Her best movie if you ask me
    Thanks Ms.Snarker, again.

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I clicked...and...YOWZA!


  7. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Meh, the pic's ok - I could do much better than that snake ;)

    I definitely fell in like with her in 'The Mummy', she was great fun in that.

  8. Blogger Lezlie Mac said...

    and I thought I didn't like snakes...or apples.

    See the brilliance of Rachel's art in The Fountain. Her best movie if you ask me
    Thanks Ms.Snarker, again.

    Totally agree with that statement! Her performance in The Fountain was breath-taking.

    Always did love snakes. Though I find myself distracted from the constrictor somewhat :P

  9. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Oh, the weekend my dreams, I've been there, done that....and done it quite thoroughly, I might add.

  10. Anonymous5:49 PM

    weekend crush indeed! i love Rachel.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. recently I posted on the 10 people I would like to sleep with and of course Rachel is on the list. Haha.

    her burberry ad is simple gorgeous and rachel is the quintessential english beauty.

  13. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Snarker - I love your words most of all but the photos you share with us are just red-shoe-tapping brilliant.

  14. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I've been waiting for a Rachel weekend crush moment for aaaages from you Dorothy! Rachel Weisz was my 'realisation' or 'epiphany' crush! I totally dig her, she is, in fact my 'type' all rolled into one female body...conveniently nude and snake bound....mmmmmmmmm rAchelllllll



  15. Oh my, yes! I've known about Rachel Weisz for sometime. Let's just say Maria Bello was good in Mummy 3 yet it would have been better with Rachel.

    Yet I'm shocked Elaine Cassidy didn't make that list. She did Fingersmith as Maud.
