Monday, August 25, 2008

GGALGG: Gay Medal Edition

Sigh. I miss the Olympics already. All those amazing, muscley, sweaty, semi-clad women. Once every four years isn't nearly soon enough. Let's look back once more with feeling at all the gaiety. And by gaiety, I mean just gay – as in, let's see how some of the out gay women did at the games. So, by popular request, I give you GGALGG. Or, as these gals might call it, just another Monday.
[Hat tip, USWNT Fan, for the chest bump above!]

[Click each to enlarge the Gay Gals Acting Like Gay Gals.]

Natasha Kai, USA, soccer, goldBrandi Chastain, eat your heart out.

Gro Hammerseng and Katja Nyberg, Norway, handball, goldSneaky Russian checks out Gro's abs.Katja retaliates for the ogling.Big gay hug in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Carole Péon, France, triathlon, 34thBiceps like that are their own medal.

Imke Duplitzer, Germany, fencing, quarterfinalsThis outfit will soon be seen in lesbian bars everywhere.

Fiona Pennie, Great Britain, canoe/kayak, 19thForearms like that are their own medal.

Victoria Svensson, Sweden, soccer, quarterfinalsRounding second base, headed for third.

Judith Arndt, Germany, cycling, 41st and 6thBest hat at the Olympics, hands down.

Linda Bresonik, Germany, soccer, bronzeThird place and a threesome. Life is filled with happy synchronicity.

Lauren Lappin (37) and Vicky Galindo (19), USA, softball, silverGee, lesbians play softball?

[For more on the big gay winners, check out AfterEllen today.]


  1. "Rounding second base, headed for third." *ROFL*...

  2. Anonymous3:46 AM

    thanks for bringing us your coverage of the olympic games, it's been well appreciated, and much shared! I agree with ya, going to miss all those hot bodies, tank tops, and sporty dyke eye candy.

  3. Anonymous5:16 AM

    (^-^), i like fifth and the last pic, they look good,
    and the swedish one .. ah..very nice defence...

    is the hat true? the cycling..
    oh, i'm laughing, i can't believe
    german made like that stuff..
    oh, it's like star wars..somethin.

    she seems like going out of the earth. ah, man!!

    thank you for your good post!
    ready for good week? today is monday!!

    see ya!!

    *question about religion? i'll answer in person only to friend.

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Great site - wish I'd discovered it before or during the Oly's - but after is okay, too.

    I love your sense of humor and will definitely look forward to your commentary on politics, life, culture ... going forward!

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Rounding second base, headed for third.

    Laughed, then thought "wrong sport"

    Laughed harder when I saw the everyone else = no comment on the softball picture. Though a few ARE married and have kids...but still.

    Love, love(!) all your Olympic posts. I really don't know what I'm going to do without all of those sweat-glistening bodies gracing my TV screen. (Or at least until Sept 22nd when Misty May is on Dancing with the Stars)...

  6. Ah the end of the olympics is a sad time indeed. Beach volleyball was like having free porn. Anyway at least The Sarah Connor Chronicles starts soon (and SoN) and I get to drool again at the TV.

  7. DS, a big thank you for your coverage of the O.
    As always it takes work to find the women athletes on network TV. But thanks to your (Phelps pfree) reports we are able to appreciate real women. Seeing people doing what they love and excel at, yes your can't get more sexy than that.
    I have to say it's good to be actor free for a time.

  8. Natasha Kai's tattoo is sooo damn cool!

  9. OMG. Ms. Snarker. You just found me a gay cyclist AND a gay triathlete.

    I am so powerfully moved at this moment, I might even be inspired to say something so insipidly saccharine as . . .

    I heart you :-)

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    All this discussion about softball players inspired me look up the Australian ones (having seen them on tv and wanting to now more), and while none are 'out' surely if your favourite band is the indigo girls and your favourite pastime is hanging aroung with your partner and your dog... It made me wonder if we need to apply the 'Jody Foster School of Out' to sport and accept that some of these girls are out to those of us who care and can tell and the only people who don't know are those who haven't really been paying attention!?

  11. Love the pics and talking about abs, Don't tell me that you have not seen Gro Hammersengs abs in this handball picture: They are awesome!!!
