Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Wow, what a weekend. My nose is sunburned. My body aches in muscles I didn’t even know I had. And I think at one point in the night my shoes could have been wrung out to make a cocktail or two. Now that’s what I call a Pride. To round out the two days of debauchery fun I caught Cyndi & Co. at the True Colors Tour, which was fantastic. If you are anywhere near one of the tour’s three remaining shows (that means you Seattle, Vancouver and Denver areas) get thee there. But the best part of Pride, as always, was spending time with wonderful friends and just being so damn gay together. I’m not gonna lie, I still need to rest a bit to get back into full form. So in lieu of tank tops today, please enjoy this musical interlude. Cyndi totally rocked, as did the B-52s (We came late so that’s all we caught. So this video isn’t mine, nor is most of the audio live. But you get a feel for the night’s homotasticness.)

Unless I’m horribly mistaken, I think part of me is actually in this picture somewhere. It’s like Where’s Waldo, but so much gayer.

So, got any of your own pride stories to share from this year? Or is your pride still coming up. Please share, because I’m exhausted. Who else needs a disco nap?


  1. My Pride got cancelled by a flood, sadly. I'm hoping one day to get to go to Pride in a big city that actually has lesbian events, though!

  2. I am going to Manchester (UK) Pride in August. It will be mine and my girlfriends first, I'm very excited!

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I'm missing Pride in London by just 1 hour. Have to go back to Scotland sadly. Am devastated.

  4. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I had my own (second annual)Pride celebration on my blog. In fact, you were one of the "Funniest Dyke in the World" contestants this year. (Only one person voted for any of the contestants, so as blogmistress and Head Judge, I say you all won.

    So congrats!

    I adore that photo of Margaret.

  5. I was at SF Pride with a few straight, ally friends. One of them turned to me and said "Pride is so cool. I am so happy I live in a city where diversity can thrive and celebrate like this, and people can be safe and happy." I thought that was another way great way of looking at "pride" for the weekend...

  6. St. Louis pride was great. I saw my manager from work there with his boyfriend and we watched the parade with them. He made rainbow jello shots which is either too cute or just too gay, or both.


  7. Good to see that I'm not the only one still recovering from pride... Paris Pride was political, mostly nake and very very sweaty.
    Full disclosure of the event on my new blog (in English), if anyone cares to read !


  8. We had not a single protester at the 20th Michigan Pride (how did that happen). My dog, oops chick magnet and I had a wonderful time, got sunburned, well I did, Raven did not wear her tank top... and listened to Goddess & She.


  9. We had Pride in Denver the week before yours and I blogged about it. Feel free to take a gander at my somewhat blurry pics and commentary. I'm thinking I should attempt to score a scalped ticket to True Colors as I didn't buy one when I thought I would be in Texas for this 4th of July weekend...

  10. Wichita's pride got rained out. And I had to work all day.

    Sad times in the middle west. One of my greatest regrets is that I was never in LA for Pride.

  11. Pride in Boston was great. We had lots of random people show up. Like Kat DeLuna, the girl who sings that song "Whine Up". There were a few religious protesters who bugged some people as everyone made their way to the festival after the parade, but that's all I noticed. I had my seven month old golden retriever puppy there wearing a rainbow bandana around her neck, and she was a total people-magnet. :) People took pictures and video of my dog. haha, it was very amusing.

  12. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Ah!!! Holy heck I"m so glad I found this site! *sigh* our pride is this weekend, we're excited!!!

  13. Dolores Park was good times, and I was also at the True Colors tour... you missed Wanda Sykes talking about her girlfriend and how she shouldn't swim in the pool on the gay cruise they were on because it was like doing the backstroke in a pool of sperm, which she followed with a joke about being on maury povich 9 months later on the "who's the daddy" episode! good times all around.

  14. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Love the pictures DS. I wish I could have gone to the True Colors concert at the Greek Theater. Thanks for posting the vid.

  15. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Capital Pride in DC was a LOT of fun. Great women's concert and party, fun parade (in spite of the typical Mid-Atlantic thunderstorms!), lots of hot women from the District and all the neighboring states.. we got it good :)

  16. I actually got to catch the True Colors concert in Seattle -- holy crapola! it was fucking awesome! Cindy was amazing, and so full of positive energy, and actually, my 13 yo brother, who was there too, told me that he thought she was 30 yo. i thought it was incredibly cute <3 But anyway, i had so much fun, and Rosie O'Donnell was amazing. amazing, i say! shame she's married. although, really....i'm taken too LOL. but anyway, it was so great, and such a positive evening. it just made me feel better about humanity in general, it gave me hope...

  17. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I know it wasn't quite the point, but as southern-hemispherer dealing with snow, ice, no memory of the last time the sun shone, and a desire to see the themometer get above 0, oh the idea of having been SUNBURNED that you all talk about is the bit that makes me incredibley jealous!!!!! (Don't worry, I'm being sustained by the idea that in six months I'll get you back by dancing in the sun on the shore while YOU all freeze...)
