Thursday, July 03, 2008

Me want cookie

I love this video so much. And, really, I’m not even entirely sure why. As a rule, I hate most reality programming (Bravo shows excluded, naturally). But, well, there’s just something about Kathreya from UK’s “Big Brother” that kind of makes my heart melt. I think that in some strange way this silly little clip of her perfectly encapsulates the human condition. Wait, wait – bear with me. I have not gone completely crazy, not yet at least. No, if you think about it for a second this actually makes sense.

You can substitute whatever it is you want most in the world for her simple cry of “Cookie!” and, voila, it becomes a universal plea. Give it a try at home: “Happinessssssssss!” “Respectttttttttt!” “Loooooooooove!” “Baconnnnnnnnnn!” Though, I think from now on whenever I’m feeling particularly frustrated with the universe, I’m just going to look up at the sky and belt out an enormous “Cookieeeeeeeeee!” I’m pretty sure if we all did it, the world would be a better place.


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

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  2. Anonymous4:34 AM

    She's totally out of her mind...she made me want to go to the kitchen checking the cookie jar though...uhm, I guess she must know some effective inducing tecnique then. You know...I had to give up to her amazing ability... :P

  3. I think this wins most random post of the year. haha


  4. I feel bad for her and at the same time I'm laughing so hard I get tears in my eyes... Am I a bad person??

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    So you're absolutely right. I think this is adorable and if you break it down... it is the most innocent and pure look at humanity as we're ever going to get in a grown adult. Number one, she's trying to break through a language barrier and she's frustrated by that fact alone, and then combine it with the idea that her favorite of favorites is no longer readily available and it's this simple and pure explosion of self-expression and desire.

    Really, how many of us have ever wanted to just scream for something, and because of social stigmas have resisted? I wish I had the courage and strength to scream "COOOKIE" at a camera where, chances are, a significant number of people will see. Thank you Ms. Snarker, for this shining example of innocence.


  6. D. I'm afraid you've gone to the dark side. It happens, I'll wait it out with you.

  7. This just made me laugh so hard that it brought tears to my eyes...
