Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How Horrible

Oh Joss, if only you were a woman. Then, I'd wager, you'd be perfect. Still, Mr. Whedon, even as is you're pretty darn close. And now, well, now this. “Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog” Act I came out yesterday. It is so many things. But mostly, it's just fun. So. Very. Fun. And, really, isn't that what this whole crazy Interwebs is supposed to be all about? Quite simply, just the sharing of wonderful things. Well, that and porn. (Just kidding. Porn is bad. Very, very bad. It needs to be punished. Wait...where was I?)

For those unfamiliar, Dr. Horrible (HIMYM's Neil Patrick Harris) is an inept supervillain who dreams of being accepted into the Evil League of Evil on his video blog. His nemesis is the narcissistic superhero Captain Hammer (Firefly's Nathan Fillion) who cares more about his hair than innocent bystanders. They both want the same adorable red-head (Willow Felicia Day, a potential from Buffy Season 7). There Joss goes again, twisting clichéd formulas and making them into something refreshing and new. The bad guy is good. The good guy is bad. Um, did I mention the singing?

Go check it out immediately, if not sooner. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog also has a blog. Gosh, ain't The Internets meta. (My international friends will need to be a little patient and/orInternational problem fixed, yay! You can also fork over a couple bucks to download the video from iTunes.) Get a taste of it here from the teaser. Yummy, no?

Part II comes out Thursday and the finale Part III comes out Saturday. Move, second hand, move! The wait, it burns!!

I know I was all solidarity now! during the Writers Strike, but if stuff like this is the result I say bring on the picket lines. (Just kidding. Strikes are bad. Very, very bad. They need to be punished. And not in the good porn way. Wait...where was I?)

Go watch! Mwah-ha-ha-ha! Ah-ha-ah-ah! Or something.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    I'm in Sweden, and I had no problems watching Act I. Hilarious!

  2. OMG!! That was all kinds of awesomeness!! JOSH WHEDON is the FUNK!

  3. Love Joss. Love Dr. Horrible. Was actually pretty happy when I heard their servers had crashed, because that meant the idea was working. Felicia Day is no Alyson Hannigan but she's crush worthy. And both NPH and Nathan Fillon were fantastic. And let's not forget, 'Moist'.

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Oh god that's funny! I had forgotten this was coming up...thanks for the reminder! :D

  5. I'm in Iceland and I've had no problemo.

    Just saying, International viewers can view it as well. Because they (Dr. Horrible people) are great like that. :D

    But the DVD is gonna be awesome, I hear. It will have a singing commentary or something. Heh. And other extras. :p

    We broke the internet. XD

    Yes, I'm a total Whedonite. Heh.

  6. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Love the Neil Patrick Harris! He was too funny in Harold and Kumar. If I were a gay man i'd be all over that like white on rice. I am gonig to go watch these right now.

  7. I finally got a chance to watch Doc Horrible, and man, did it deliver! That Hammer dude is just so smug you can't help but wish an anvil or piano falls on his head.

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Oh, my... I think I'm in love!!

    NPH is way cool as a supervillian!

    A gals gotta do what a gals gotta do...
    sing with me everybody.

  9. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Fabulous. Thank you for mentioning this horribly awesome piece of work (and other nifty things like it).

    With the tank tops and all, you certainly provide a public service. applause.

  10. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Haha, that was beyond wonderful! Great characters, hilarious dialogue, and catchy music too! What more could a girl want? Thanks for the head's up on Doc Horrible, I can't wait until Saturday for Part 3!

  11. It's simply awesome!
