Monday, June 16, 2008

Finale recap’s on

[Click the goddess Padma for the finale recap.]

First, many, many, many, many thanks to all of you who have slogged through the Top Chef recaps with me. Thank you for reading, thank you for commenting, thank you for being as Padma obsessed as I am. It’s been a long 14 episodes, but I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. And, don’t worry, I’ll still find some way to post about Padma. Like, did y’all hear her funny interpretation of what GLBT stood for? “A Great BLT!” Now that’s our gal!


  1. No, thank you, Ms. Snarker. Reading your recaps has been a pleasure.

  2. I agree with Nat, thank you, DS, for writing great recaps and providing a forum for TC to be discussed on AE. I know that it was a lot of work for you, and it was greatly appreciated by not only fans of the show, but fan of you as well :)

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Okay, I have to get this out as it might be the last time I get to write and think (and drool) this for awhile...

    mmmm, Padma, mmmm


    Okay, I feel better now! :D

    This was a great Top Chef season and thank you for the very accessible recaps!

    Oh, and I liked the idea of Padma being a bit tipsy when she was at the function and quoted.

  4. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Oh, heads up...Wednesday night...Top Chef reunion last Padma appearance til next season!
