Thursday, May 15, 2008

Say it ain’t so

I am going to hedge this post with a simple warning: consider the source. The National Enquirer, that pillar of journalistic ethics, is reporting that Jodie Foster and her long-time partner Cydney Bernard have split. Their exact headline elegantly reads: JODIE DUMPS GIRLFRIEND. Of course, this being age of the endless links, this story spread like wildfire among the blogs and tabloids. Three people emailed it to me yesterday and I’ve found it countless times myself with a simple spin around The Internets.

If this is true, it makes me very sad. But that is a big if. This is a publication where 99 percent of the headlines include the words “EXPOSED,” “RAMPAGE,” “CHEATING” or “LOVE CHILD.” So, you know, grab that salt shaker.

Still, what makes me a little more worried about the likelihood of this particular if is that the same rumor surfaced about two months ago around the time of the “Nim’s Island” premiere. Jodie and her sons, Charles and Kit, went on vacation in Australia and were spotted frolicking on the beach without Cydney. Where is she! They’ve broken up! Call the lawyers! Silly? Of course. I paid it no mind.

Then people started to notice the ring. Jodie was showing up to events without the Tiffany eternity band she wears on her ring finger. I thought this was also a sham, so I went into some photo archives to look. But, sure enough, the ring wasn’t there at several events. Or, if it was there, it was on the wrong hand. And sometimes it was a different ring altogether. Huh? In August 2007 Jodie told More magazine:

“I’ve always worn a ring. Even taking photos. Even on magazine covers. I don’t take it off.”

Um, ruh-roh? So I went back further in the archives and found that she has worn the same ring or ring pairing at public events on her ring finger consistently since at least 1998. Besides feeling none-too proud of myself for insanely stalking Jodie’s ring finger, I got worried. Could the rumor mill be true? And why wasn’t Cydney spotted anywhere in the background at any of the Nim’s press events?

And then my compatriot in Jodie love, cappuccinogirl, sent me this shot of Cydney with the kids at the Nim’s premiere. Rumors squelched. All was right with the world. I could now delete the embarrassing number of high-res photos I found of Jodie and the ring from my hard drive. More importantly, I could go finally wash the stalker right out of my hair.

So, now, this. Could it actually be true? Heck, I don’t know any more than the next nut with wi-fi and the ability to Google “Jodie Foster breakup.” I really hope it isn’t. These women have 14 years together. They have two sons together. That’s a family and a life and a lot of heartache for all involved.

What would make this potential split even more sad is that it comes just five months after the “My beautiful Cydney” heard around the world. Never before has Jodie been more public, even if in a sly way, about her love for another woman. And now potentially this. If anything, this might prove that gay relationships are just like straight relationships. They succeed and they fail and they get messy and that is just life. But, let’s just hope it isn’t true anyway. I prefer the fairy tale.

p.s. Of course – having said that – a tiny, totally evil part of me also thinks, DAMN, Jodie is single? I’d better go wash my hair.

[Click to enlarge any of the images for closer ring inspection. Ahem.]


  1. Anonymous3:39 AM

    First-I wouldnt believe "The National Mentirer" if they wrote that water is liquid
    Second-Isnt, just in the case its true- this mediafrenzy a little too much for this? A woman thats never said anything about her relationship-the fact her partner is also a woman doesnt justufy a special coverage like that- compare it to the little marriage prob Sean Penn went through (his wife wanted to split from him or smth)a little while ago-nobody cared. I hate this stupid prejudice that lesbians stay together forever - and then, when this idea seems to be shattered they make a dramtic fuss about it!
    I d rather say they get trough even more trouble than people in hetero-relationships or gay men...
    Doesn't interest me and isnt shocking at all...

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Just a joke: Whats the difference between gay men and gay women on the second date?
    Men dont have one, and Women come with the moving van.

  3. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Love the ring sleuthing, Ms Drew!

  4. Yes, that picture of Cydney looking very happy with equally happy kids at the Nim's Island premiere does make me feel better. It doesn't mean they're still a couple, but it hints that they're on good terms which is great.

    That said the gossip mill is already at work and ready with a name and picture of a woman that Jodie is allegedly seeing.

  5. wow, this is just awful. I don't want them to break up, they look so good together, and i think they make a fantastic family. that said, i just hope that whatever happens, paparazzi will leave them the hell alone. a breakup, even when it's on good terms, is never pleasant, and they don't need or deserve paparazzi everywhere making it more difficult.

  6. Shoot...Jodie might be single now!?! And here I was going to spend the day in my jammies. Seriously though, that's rather sad if it's true. However, considering the source, I'm going to disbelieve until Jodie herself lets it slip...

  7. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I'm hoping it's not true, also, although I was one of yesterday's emailers.

    So, given the Nim's pic, I'm going to think happy thoughts.

    And, to not trouble my beautiful mind with such thoughts, my latest bit of time wasting that's not written by Ms. Snarker is the Things Younger Than McCain blog. ( Check it out. (disclaimer: I have nothing to do with that blog, except reading and enjoying.)

  8. It's like I've been living in a tunnel under a cave. All this goes down while I'm offline for one day. One day! Well, it'll be a cold day in hell before I donate blood again.

  9. Anonymous1:53 PM

    i think the ring means protecting her from a bad person.

    just guess.

  10. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Anybody check the whereabouts of Kelly McGillis and what ring she's wearing?

  11. Anonymous6:24 PM

    There is a photo of her with Samantha Ronson in the latest issue of Star mag. Dressed alike.

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I keep readng about Jodie and Sam Ronson pic, but nobody's posting it!

    But it is ironic that she's hardly been publicly tied to Cydney (mainstream press), and here they are publicizing their break up! Absurd.

    The minivan majority must be confused. They'll be saying, "who's Cydney?"

  13. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "There is a photo of her with Samantha Ronson in the latest issue of Star mag. Dressed alike."

    It's almost been established that this pic was photoshopped.

  14. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Forgot to add the pic (it was posted on a JF board).

  15. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Didn't work. Just click on the blue CK

  16. Anonymous8:50 AM

    maybe u've heard of this. but just in case u haven't. Jodie is reportedly having an affair with The Brave One screenwriter Cindy Mort aka. Cynthia Mortimer. she is said to be the reason of the split.
