Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Who, me, seriously?

You blog me, you really blog me! Gosh, shucks, ladies. I can’t even begin to thank all of you enough for voting for nutty old me as The Lesbian Lifestyle Lesbian Blog of the Year. I am truly honored and ridiculously touched by your support. If I could, I’d hug every single one of you with my legs in friendship. In fact, I’m overwhelmed with the kind of warm, fuzzy feelings normally reserved for when I see small woodland creatures or a station selling gas for under $3 a gallon. But, on the serious, y’all are awesome. I write Surrenders mostly as an exercise in getting the voices in my head to behave and wait their turn. Also, I like women. So, to me, exalting their excellence is more than just a hobby. It’s a mission. And now, on with this crazy show.

p.s. Seriously, folks, you don’t know the crazed ego monster you’ve undoubtedly unleashed with this win. Well, I’ll just let The Ditty Bops explain.

p.p.s. Proof of how insufferable I’ve become already, I totally and shamefully neglected to give the proper props to my fellow finalists. All these ladies are fan-fucking-tastic. I mean that. They’re all going on my blogroll and you should check them out immediately, if not sooner. This Girl Called Automatic Win, Hahn at Home, LesbianDad and Sugarbutch Chronicles, congratulations and it was an honor being nominated alongside you gals. You rock the lesbosphere.

p.p.p.s. Oh, and my big dumb swollen head also forgot to send extra special, super duper thanks to Goldstar Dyke who runs The Lesbian Lifestyle and coordinates the awards. I mean, heck, this year there were even prizes. I am so not worthy.


  1. Anonymous3:14 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS! Woo! This is the first time my vote actually went to the eventual winner. :D

  2. Congrats! I happily voted at the start of the competition--your blog is fab, and deserves wreaths of praise.

  3. Congratulation!!! You most certainly deserve this win!
    Your blog it’s been a guilty pleasure of mine for so long.. and a constant source of inspiration.
    Keep doing what you’re doing so well, ms.Snarker.
    We really appreciate it, even in Italy :D

  4. You rule the blogosphere, you get what you deserve. Well done.

  5. Congrats!
    I heart that Ditty Bops song...

  6. Congratulations. Carry on loving Tina Fey and Buffy and you'll get my vote next year too.

  7. Kudos and congrats! This blog deserves every bit of praise and recognition that can be heaped upon it :)

  8. Anonymous4:58 AM

    CONGRATS from Vienna!

  9. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Congratulations! I am from Brazil.
    I always see your blog.

    I like the topics that you write.
    I am well informed about the events. Especially with my favorite series: The L Word.

    Once again ... Congratulations!

    P.S: My English is poor ... Sorry.

  10. Anonymous5:08 AM

    In Belgium we can't vote for Hillary so we voted for Dorothy Surrenders instead. Congrats!

  11. I was so excited when I opened your page this morning and saw that you had won! Congratulations Ms. Snarker. YOU DESERVE IT! If I could have I would have voted for you more than once. :)

    This is one awesome blog. It's the first one I look at every morning. So, let your voices continue. :)

  12. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Many congratulations on the well deserved win.

    Your blog and subsequent writings at are something I always look forward to reading.

  13. *cheesy announcer voice* "Dorothy Snarker, you've just won Lesbian Blog of the Year...what are you going to do???"

    I've told you before how much I love and appreciate what you've created here. But I'll say it again, Thank you for taking the time to write this blog and showing girls like me that we're not alone in our little lesbo worlds. It's fun, sexy, informative, and witty. You're just as obsessed with the greatness that is Tina Fey and 30 Rock.. It's something great to wake up to. You deserve every award people can throw at you. Congratulations!

  14. Anonymous6:17 AM

    congratulations girl. you deserve it dammit. :)

  15. Anonymous7:03 AM

    It is because you RULE, baby!!

  16. Congrats from land of Cleve.

    Dorothy Surrenders is one of my very favorite personal blogs and I read it every day when I am supposed to be working.

  17. congrats! I'm so happy for you! Your blog definitely deserves this recognition!

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    hey congrats!

    Totally deserved win, I check out your bog everyday (even sundays cos you never know!)

    I love your humour and most of all I love the pictures you post!
    What's not to love? Right?

  19. Congrats! But the bigger question is, who's going to win that Dyke Duck TLL was offering??

  20. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Congrats from Romania!

    (I read your blog every day..)

  21. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Congrats! I'd hug you back w/ my legs in friendship too. hehe. Well deserved. Though I think Ms. Warn may go postal on their @sses for the "lesbian lifestyle" phrase. Good thing this is allllll yours. :)

  22. YAY! I'm so stoked/proud/thankful. I totes voted for you, and it seems like other people agree!

    Your blog is truly the one I check EVERY day without fail.

  23. Yay, awesome! You deserve it :)

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Well I am also from Brazil and I read your blog almost everyday - it's fun and very witty ;-)
    I'll vote for you next year, and next year, and the next...

  25. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Neato! You're a winner Ms. Snarker. ;)

  26. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Adding mine to the copious congrats here.

    I see the term "guilty pleasure" used in reference to your blog here, and while I am tempted to use it, too (my guilt: indulging in stuff relating to pop culture or celebrities; don't know what anyone else is guilty about), I don't think "guilty pleasure" is quite on the mark. It's just a pleasure to read your writing, period. It's chock-a-block with pizazz. Savoir faire. Élan. You name it.

    Thanks for sharing the voices in your head (whether they trot out single file or tumble out in a heap).

  27. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Woop woop! well done you...

    on another note - $3 to the gallon? are you kidding me? us Brits pay 4 times that, no word of a lie...

  28. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Congrats Ms. Snarker! Well deserved win.

    Did it come with a tiara and sash, also? If so, I hope you're wearing them proudly today.

  29. We always knew that you
    ROCK and now you have the title to go along with it - it's only natural.



    It feels real good to have been a part of this!

    Go on and do that happy snoopy dance... oh and by the way, there's no way i'm gonna let that wrap your leg around each and every one of you slip by me... hell no, i'm too much of a perv... I'll take mine and all of the ones that any foolish enough would refuse..LOL... Sorry I just couldn't resist jumping on that one :)

    You're the Best!

  30. Anonymous11:56 AM

    :-) congrats.

  31. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Just wanted to join in with the "yay"! Dorothy, you rock.

  32. Anonymous1:21 PM


  33. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Congratulations! Since I can't do it person, please visualize me handing you my TLL crown as well as a dozen roses.

    A well-deserved victory! Enjoy!!!

    Curly :)

  34. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Congratulations on your well-deserved win!

  35. and yet another yay for Dorothy (this one from France)! Congrats !

    Please don't silence those voices, keep up with the lack of sleep, seems to be doing you good !

    America has Hillary, Lesboland has Dorothy !

    And don't get me started on the Euro gas price eh..

  36. congrats! i voted and i never do that lol u so deserve it!

  37. Anonymous7:35 PM

    kudos from Canada!

    Fulsome congrats!

    You're very much part of my day.

    You're allowed a temporary swollen head :)

  38. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Congrats, Ms. S!! So well deserved. I am in awe of your wittiness and intelligence. And you can turn a phrase. Smart, funny women are so sexy. At least to me.

    My vote meant nothing in 2000 and 2004. Here, my selection won.

    Adulation from AZ.

  39. Anonymous9:35 PM

    congrats also form Czech:o) Thank you for everything and be sure I come here on regular basis:o) have a lovely day!

  40. well done, Dotty S, from all your fans here in Scotland! if only you were running for President....

  41. I love this blog, glad to see you get the recognition/props/love you deserve.

  42. Anonymous11:12 AM

    You deserve it!! I just love your blog, I read it almost every single day, Congratulations from Germany!

  43. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Congrats Dorthy, WTG... Blog on girl, Blog on!!!!

  44. A well deserved are one of my first stops every, love, love your blog!

  45. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Congratulations! You really deserve it!! I´m from Germany, but at the moment I´m spending my time in Burundi, East Africa. Your blog is my connection to the open-minded, lesbian part of the world :).

  46. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Congratulations! <3

  47. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Congratulations! Keep it up. I love your Tina Fey Tuesday. I wish Jodie Foster and Ellen DeGeneres will get their respective days too. :-) -Lee

  48. Congratulations, Dorothy -- Well deserved win!
