Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday Wattage

As you might have already noticed from my post time stamps, I don’t sleep much. So today, to give my poor tired brain cells a few more precious REM cycles, in lieu of lots of words I give you Naomi Watts dancing around in a dress shirt and tie. Really, I think it’s a more than fair trade. In fact, you may be getting the better end of this deal. [Click to enlarge the unbuttoned-down goodness.]

Ever since she perplexed the hell out of me in “Mulholland Drive,” Naomi has been a favorite of mine. For an astonishingly beautiful woman, she is surprisingly willing to let herself look unglamorous for a role. Though, speaking of glamour, who the hell at “Glamour” decided to dress Naomi in what appears to be a very fancy lamp shade? I gotta hand it to the boys on this one; she looks a hell of a lot hotter on lad mag than on the ladies glossy. But then, you really can’t go wrong with knickers and an over-sized shirt.


  1. The tie trick always does it for me.
    Lousy work day suddenly feels a little brighter (all those watts..)

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    so beautifuk

  3. Anonymous4:35 AM

    beautiful ..lapsus

  4. The open shirt works for me. Hot damn she is one hot woman.

  5. Get some rest, Snarker. Fo shizzle. We'll keep ourselves busy with the hot ladies while you get some needed zzzzzs.

  6. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Hot damn! Naomi is one fine lady, and she's also an excellent actress. Watch the film, The Painted Veil.

  7. I'm loving all the queerly dressed women you've been smothering me with. I don't know what it is about a beautiful face with a shirt and tie, but it makes me a happy girl.

    Maybe it has something to do with my currently reading Tipping the Velvet.

  8. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I recall the Wattage when she was Jet Girl in the Tank Girl movie. Good stuff ever since.

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Wasn't there a rumour, that Naomi and Nicole might at one point have been more than just good friends?

  10. Anonymous10:31 PM

    She looks like jewel in the glamour cover
