Saturday, February 02, 2008

Pre-L: Lookin’ at You, Kid

L505: “Lookin’ at You, Kid”
You remember that Buffy episode, “Doppelgangland,” where the Scoobies all met their alternate universe counterparts to their dismay and our delight? Yeah, it’s like that. Sure, so no one is a vampire or wearing a leather bustier. Yet. But just keep drinking ladies, it could happen.

1) Meet the Lez Girls (and one het boy):
Shaun (Shane)/CammieAlysse (Alice)/SusanHelen (Helena)/LaurenBev (Bette)/BellaNina (Tina)/GretchenKarina (Marina)/BegoniaKat (Kit)/CherylDonna (Dana)/MarciJim (Tim)/GregJesse (Jenny)/Niki2) If you’re crazy and you know it, raise your hands!
3) Here’s a word you don’t often associate with Bette -- awkward.4) And so is born Perez Pieszecki.5) Not your grandma’s secret ingredient.6) Warning: Never fuck a woman with this on her wall.7) You can’t say I didn’t warn her.
8) Film at 11.9) HeadOn, apply directly to the Jenny!10) I take all talk of awkwardness back.11) The dangers……of human cloning……exposed.12) Two words: Party. Brownies.13) Total buzzkill.14) Déjà vu……all over……again.15) Last one in is a rotten egg.16) Don’t make her angry, you wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.17) Way to visually represent a Michael Jackson song, ladies.18) She ain’t heavy, she’s my girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend.
New Guestbian Count: Way too freakin’ many
Best Line (and my new personal catchphrase): “Oh my God, what if the brownies were gay?” -- Alice
Best Advice: “Don’t listen to her, she wears mom jeans with camel toe.” -- Jenny about Adele
Best Way To Handle Making Out With Your Ex: “Let’s not get all freaked out and weird and manipulative.” -- Tina to Bette
Best Way To Handle An Unsubtle Metaphor: “We’re going to fuck in a closet? / The irony hasn’t escaped me.” -- Niki and Jenny addressing the obvious


  1. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Ms. Snarker, as always, you rock.

  2. yes, great post.
    I've given you a link: visit me and see if you like to reciprocate

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    love how the news channel uses a promotional photo of leisha hailey for the l word as a photo of alice pieszecki!
    am i making sense? does this show make sense? no and no!

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I agree with Slacker: YOU ROCK

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    That pic of angry!Tasha. 2 words: Scare. E.

    Have you guys heard about some football game on Sunday? ;)

    Still missing Helena. It would've been funny to see her high.

  6. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I have to say, getting a taste before the actual show is definitely a good way to wet the old whistle.

    As for Dean Porter being awkward and uncomfortable with her sexy ex-y being taken care of by her current, now there's something I can't wait to see...

  7. To hell with The L Word -- VampWillow! Whee! Such a great episode.

  8. Best Advice: “Don’t listen to her, she wears mom jeans with camel toe.”

    God, I've been laughing for five minutes.

  9. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Booo when I heard about this episode I had hoped the actresses in "Lez Girls" would look kinda like the real characters but sadly, no.
    Although I think they could have switched some of them around. Like the one playing "Donna" should totally be playing "Nina" and "Jessie" should be playing "Elise".
    P.s. How come "Nina" looks like Ellen?

  10. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I totally agree with ghost writer!. Some of the actors don't seem to fit the characters... hmmm....

  11. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I'm already over the Shebar trainwrecks. "I'm Dawn Denbo and this is my lover, Cindy." Please don't say that anymore!

  12. Jenny/FakeJenny Sex in the closet was the BEST sex I've seen all season! I totally wasn't expecting that.

    Oh was too fun watching everyone get high and dance on tables. I love those girls.

  13. Fabulous screencaps. Especially the one of Bette on the bed.

  14. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I agree with Moose. There's no need for her to keep introducing herself and her lover cindy every time she enters the room. Then again, TLW goes through so many characters maybe they think we need reminders.

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