Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Forget Paris

Oh. Oh, God. Oh, God, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Paris Hilton has just confirmed that she will guest star on “The L Word.” Wait, excuse me for a minute, I just threw up a little in my mouth. Oh, the horror! Oh, the humanity! Oh, how could you, Ilene?

I knew it was a bad sign when I saw Paris hanging with the lovely ladies of The L. And all those “rumors” about her going to lesbian bars and making out with Elisha Cuthbert? Dear God, she was method acting. Make it stop! Make it stop!

Look, clearly the entire cast hates the idea. As you can see by these new promo shots, their reaction to the horrific news perfectly illustrates the five stages of grief:
Me, personally? I’m still somewhere between the denial and anger stages. And I have a feeling once I hit depression, it could take a while. Come on, Ilene. Seriously, how could you?


  1. HA!!!! See. If anyone now needs confirmation that my telepathy is spot on, then here it is! I knew I wasn't crazy when all of a sudden I just didn't want to watch TLW this season. Knew there was something lurking and yep, sure enough - here it is.

    How low can you go IC? Huh? How low?

    Well to date, still haven't watched so much as a promo.

    *shakes head in disgust at Chaiken*

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I think it'll be awesome. Paris Hiltin is about as much camp as it gets.

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    er... Hilton. Yeah.

    (I think these word verification-thingys are affecting my spelling. IT'S A CONSPIRACY!)

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Whatever, I thought this blew over and i would not have to see the her name mention again. Just when you get comfortable.

    There are so many things about the L word I over look PH is just one more. I am sure she will get less screen time then Pam Greer. She is the latest publicity stunt and it's working.

    We don't even know if season six has been green-lighted yet. If it doesn't happen PH will look stupid - HA- HA

  5. Anonymous5:51 AM

    BTW cute pictures of Jennifer Beals and Kate

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    What a wheeze!
    I thought that having a camp-it-up muso take up so much acting space in Season 2 was sailing close to the wind, so what's not to like about the idea of a celebrity fan's guest appearance?

    Who says only the non-celebrity fans get a look-in - as they did with the Charlie's Angels homage?

    A person could be pretty sure that there's a penny in it for the production if Ms Hilton's fond hopes materialize. Although I can't imagine how the producers will advertise Ms Hilton's participation so as to garner all those pron-sick dudes who consume Ms Hilton's amateur offerings by the thousands. Would fans turn it down if it meant another series became more likely?

    Shame on you haters. And after all that tongue-clacking over Alice's excluding Max too. Ms Hilton is a sister, after all.

    Ms Snarker excluded, natch. I get the impression that the idea is more an offense against Ms Snarker's artistic sensibilities than anything else.

    Laffin' here.

  7. Anonymous7:37 AM

    While I'm not a fan of Paris, I think it'll be funny. I hope they put her alongside Jenny, since they're both a bit coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    hey at least we now know there will be a 6th season.

  9. Oh. Oh, God. Oh, God, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    You read my mind...

  10. I still maintain that PH being on Lword is going to be hilarious. As in she is nutty, Jenny is crazy, Dawn Denbo and Lover Cindy are demented, and Adele is thisclose to single, white, female. You never know.

    But, um, I DEF want us all to remain tourists when it comes to Paris. I don't want any insider tours. . .So, Ms. Chaiken, could you, um, please keep her away from Shane. . .and, um, any random guys that show up, and make sure she just generally keeps her clothing on. K? Thanks.

  11. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I wonder if Chaiken is going to sign-on Britney Spears, too? This show has really gone downhill.

  12. I know they're mostly negative feelings, but they've never looked so good before.

    As much as it is nice to see the girls have fun etc no breat cancer dying or anything, this season so far is not very satisfying with regards to my need for a meatier storyline for one of my fave characters.

    If this season doesn't do it for me and IF there's a sixth season and IF Ms. Hilton is really in it, then I just might have to let go of one of my absolute favourite TV shows. And that says a lot, considering my rank on the "Addicted to TLW" trivia on F*cebooboo.

    I do no dislike Ms. Hilton and I'm sure she's nice and lovely etc but she's not an actress.

  13. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I 'thought' Ilene was smart, but obvs I was wrong. Did Chaiken lose a bet or owe someone a favor?? It's too too 'hollywood' for me. I mean who is this PH, to get so much 'screen time', with so much else going on in the world. All she does is 'talk' about going to help those in need, where I'm from thats called BULLSH*TTING! Taking DANA away was enough, this is the LAST STRAW!

  14. There is still the possibility that TLW won't get picked up for a 6th season...

    L Word with Paris Hilton, or no L Word at all... This could be a difficult choice for many.

  15. Anonymous6:15 PM

    That's it. This has finally made my decision.

    I will not watch L word again.

    IC has hit way past rock bottom. She's wallowing in the shit...and I don't intend to join her.

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I really hope its only 4 minutes and that she plays herself. I don't know if I could take anything other than that. If she turns out to be Shane's love interest, I'll freak.

  17. Anonymous2:57 AM

    And just when you thought it couldn't go lower than Melissa Rivers....

  18. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Pfft. I already skip, like, half each episode to keep my sanity intact. An extra few minutes won't do me any harm.

  19. Anonymous10:38 PM

    anyone know what the new necklace shane is wearing in the recent ep and these pictures is? Like what is on that chain?
