Friday, November 30, 2007

Tina Fey Friday

Tina Fey, oh, Tina Fey. My crush on you is so big it’s starting to worry the neighbors and scare the cat. In last night’s episode of “30 Rock,” when Jack described Liz’s night as “meatball sub with extra bread, bottle of NyQuil, TiVo Top Chef” I nearly fell off the couch. If that’s not a perfect evening, then what is? OK, maybe minus the NyQuil. I prefer a nice vodka cran (a drink with the added benefit of helping to ward off UTIs…I’m all about cocktails with a cause). But I digress.

Tina is the awesome. Funny. Smart. Principled. Nerdy. Oh, and sexy. Super sexy. To which she would probably respond, “What? Sexy? You are. Shut up.” Each week I let out what can only accurately be called squeals of delight while watching Liz Lemon bring the hilarious with her awkward everygirl charm. Heck, I could start a whole site just devoted to the show’s one-liners alone (but don’t worry, I won’t). Add in Tina’s gay-positive attitude, bi-curious shoes and all-around winsome dorkiness and, well, you can see why I’m such an embarrassingly smitten kitten.

p.s. My favorite Liz line from last night: “You can’t be gay for one person…unless you’re a lady, and you meet Ellen.”


  1. OMG! When he spoiled the ending of Top Chef for her and she yelled at him, I started clapping! But I clap at almost anything (for which I blame the lame film strips that I had to watch in grade school...and was then instructed to clap for when it was over).

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Tina Fey! Tina Fey! Tina Fey! Yay! Yay! Yay! and that's all I have to say.

    (Hangs head in shame after such a shameful display).

    Ms. S. You Rock!

    P.S. Jenny from PA - I feel for you and the lame film thing - lol

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    P.P.S. - for crying out loud, everytime I get all excited I forget to sign (I guess it was because of the embarrassment, but since I don't know the meaning of shame, here I am back to sign anyway.

    Slym *smiles*

  4. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Ms. Snarker:

    I *heart* you.....sigh. Your combination of intellectual snarkiness and everygirl imagery makes you undeniably delectible. You just have the ability to make what I'm thinking actually funny and clever.

    How do you do that?

    Pining in AZ

  5. h, please do start a 30 Rock one-liner website! Tina Fey, so brilliant. And hot. *sigh*

  6. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Tina Fey just rocks (again). Last night when Jamie's mom came out (not literally) - I laughed so loud the neighbors heard me.

    And also "What? Sexy? You are. Shut up." Too great.

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    When did she say that line about Ellen? I must have missed it.

    I love Tina Fey... Liz Lemon is probbaly the best written show on tvc right now. She's so cool. If she were real, I know we could be friends :)

  8. I loved the defusion of the pejorative "gay" in last night's episode.


  10. OH MY GOD!!!
    I have just re-realised why TINA FEY is just so so COOL!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Dorothy Snarker! Last night the moment I heard Liz's quote about Ellen I thought of you! lol I am not at all suprised by...and was kind of hoping for...Tina Fey Friday! It works for me. :)

  12. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Tina Fey *dreamy sigh* She's making me gay. Now if only it were mutual! ;-)

  13. Anonymous6:04 PM

    i vote that every friday be "tina fey friday."

  14. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Shiiiiit I vote that EVERY DAY be Tina Fey Day - Yay! but I'd certainly settle for Tina Fey Friday *doing cartwheels at the thought* lol

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