Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Angie and her glad hands

Well, folks, I don’t mind telling you that I’m kind of tired this week. Actually, make that fucking exhausted. For whatever reason blogging has been taking a lot more time than usual, particularly the AfterEllen posts (more words/pictures, less swear words/naked pictures) and it’s ridiculous the number of times recently I’ve hit send on a post as the sun was waking up to coffee and a doughnut. So today please just enjoy this short, yet quite sweet, video of Angelina Jolie being good to her fans.

Apparently at the “Beowulf” premiere Monday she spotted a crazy fan with an “ADOPT ME ANGELINA” T-shirt and, as you can see, hilarity ensued. I’m just a tad bit jealous of where Angelina put her hand on the aforementioned crazy fan while signing her T-shirt. Also, check out where she signed her shirt. Brad, schmad. The woman’s still got a little bisexual left in here. Recent evidence to the contrary, I try not to blog too much about Angie here because it’s almost cliché, plus every other site on The Internets writes too much about her anyway. But, you know what, I really do like her. I know some people are turned off by her aggressive doo-goodery and United Colors of Benetton approach to adoption. And, yes, I know (and she knows) that she is too skinny these days. But at her core she seems like a truly good person and, dear sweet jesus, her bone structure. I could stare at her until the sun comes up.


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    W.O.W. Her hands,her hands....that fan must be in seventh heaven now.

    I have to say: clever T-Shirt :)

    Yes, Angie is very comfortable with women. I don't think bisexuality is something you get over. She loves flirting! She can't help it...

  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    I'm not an Angie fan but I've always given her due credit for 1) Being comfortable in her own skin 2) Living her life the way that she chooses despite what others think or say 3) Being a true humanitarian to the core and now I've got to add 4) She gets uber points for being cool with her fans.

    And Ms. S kudos to you for actaully inserting a clip on a player that actually DOES work at work *smiles*. Most times I have to wait until I get home to view the clips on many of these sites. And when I do get home, I'm way too tired to even turn the PC on.

    Rock On!

    Oh.. P.S. in as much as we (your doting fans) will miss you, you should take a break and recuperate. You do an excellent job of keeping us drooling... I mean entertained and up-to-the-minute with pop culture news/women (oh u know what I mean)... and that must be taxing.


  3. Ms Jolie gets my vote for being so nice to her fans.

  4. I love me some AJ. It's almost cliched to be a lesbian Jolie fan, but cliches are cliches for a reason. Anyway, loved that video. How cool was that!

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM

    AJ as a substitute for DS? You're too good to us, Dorothy. And, FWIW, I think you more than earned a few extra REM cycles with your AE post yesterday.

    Sweet dreams,

  6. Just read the Afterellen post, which is chic, smart, and nicely compliments the yummy Angelina clip here. Thanks again and rest up!

  7. I'm one of the few that doesn't care for Angie, but I can testify that she is indeed very nice to fans. Friends and I once went to sit in the bleachers for the Oscars (the year Angie dressed up as Morticia Adams/made out w/her bro)and she was the only movie star that actually came over behind the security line to shake some hands (not mine, but she did look at me,lol(pathetic, I know!)

    as long as I'm talking about fan-friendly stars (and not to brag, really!), Gillian Anderson, also is very gracious to fans. She was the only one that defied security to shake fans' hands before the Emmys one year though sadly, again I wasn't one of the lucky ones...

  8. Anonymous8:18 AM

    nhI hate it when someone else steals my idea! I have been planning my adoption for about a year now...dreaming of breast-feedings and bubble baths that include playtime with mommy! lol ;)

  9. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Well I've really NEVER liked Angelina, but that video was kinda hot: She totally had that "I want to look at some girly ass today" look in her eye; and she was totally patting that girls rack.


  10. She's got good taste - well BEYOND good taste. Brad Pitt on one arm and lo .... she just happens to find the hottest fan with the nicest rack in the bleachers? Well played, Angie, well played.

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM

    You've just made my day Ms D.S.

    @Pyewacket. I couldn't stop laughing after your post. I've been thinking the same for quite a while now.LOL
    @Syracuse Scholar. Yes indeed she has GOOD TASTE. Btfl Fan, very nice rack, and well choose LOCATION for the autographe.

    What wouldn't I do to be on this girl's place that day!

  12. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Dammit, I found your blog too late! The clip is dead and you got me all excited! What am I to do? I was relying on that for my daily angie intake, and I KNOW it was good. I'll go cry in the corner... OR, i can ask you nicely to waste a whole day looking for it elsewhere. :)
