Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kristen Bell’s mad skillz

So Kristen Bell debuts on “Heroes” next week. In honor of her impending arrival, I give you a little sneak peek at her power. Can you guess what it is? Super strength? Regeneration? Flight? No, no and not so much. If you look closely, you’ll see that her real power is something much more, uh, handy. That’s right, her special skill is the power of lesbian persuasion.
Look out, world. The Super Lesbian Recruiter is here, she’s queer, and she’s coming for your daughters. OK, fine, so maybe that isn’t her “official” power. But you could see how I could get confused by all of these shots of Kristen and Hayden Panettiere together. Seriously, those girls can’t keep their hands off of each other.
Though, after hearing what Kristen had to say about her character Elle to TV Guide, I think I might actually not be that far off:
“She’s a little messed up in the head, which makes her manipulative and out to get what she wants….She very much enjoys her power and the emotional power it gives her over other people…There’s a very interesting dynamic between her and Claire, in terms of what is and what is not. There’s a deeper relationship there than people are expecting.”

Called it! Damn, now that would make me start watching again.


  1. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Wow... Nice. THAT was interesting!

    And thank you! I read your blog every day. You're my favorite blogger... :)

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I never really got into Heroes, but I'll be checking out these cheerleaders for sure. You're my favorite blogger, too!

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    That last photo...where is Hayden Panettiere's hand?

    I like Heroes, but it's not essential viewing. Until now.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I've always adored the character of Claire and thought she gave off a lesbionic vibe. But, really, how scrumptious do Hayden and Kristen look together? At the very least, those two will be generating some seriously HOT "Heroes'" fan-fiction. Yay, bring it on!
    Thanks for helping make my day, Dorothy.

  5. I'm not a huge fan of Hayden (I adore Kristen Bell though) - but these pics are so delightfully suggestive. I may just have to catch up on all the episodes I've missed...

  6. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Crap, does this mean I have to start watching Heroes? *Goes to check to see when it airs.*

  7. One more reason to love Heroes!

  8. Anonymous8:51 PM

    thank me later

  9. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I'm not a Heroes fan but with these shots, I feel a conversion coming on.... hot!!! and oh la la.... are ramblings that come to mind, if I dare try to come up with anymore I'm afraid it will very likely come out as babble.


  10. I don't think that cheerleader needs saving!!

  11. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I haven't watched S2 at all, didn't even know it was airing already, but damn, I guess I'll have to start watching again!

  12. Anonymous12:25 PM

    rofl at the other comments, they made my day.

    and, i really love these two, but not more than ali larter and hayden.. :]

    *looks guilty*

  13. in this business is that and nothing can we do to changed, if you don't have the talent to keep you alive, well kiss me and said good bye.
