Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Girls rule, Warner Bros. drools

So, I know this whole Warner Bros. brouhaha about no longer doing movies with female leads broke big last week, but I’ve been marinating on it for a while now and thought I’d throw my final thoughts into the fracas. You see, whether the story is true (as Nikki Finke alleges) or false (as the PR flaks at Warner Bros. allege) really isn’t the point. That this story is even being debated as something that feasibly could have come out of the mouth of the president of a major motion picture studio in the year 2007 is the point. And it’s a point that reflects pretty fucking poorly on the state of women’s continued representation and respect in our culture. We are more than half the population and that it is still a heated debate in this country whether we can do anything our male counterparts can do (carry a movie, run a company, lead the country) is ridiculous and beyond insulting. It also makes me sad.

Well, now that I’ve had my say, please enjoy this entirely kick-ass clip of female empowerment by Katheryn, courtesy the lovely lasses over at AfterEllen. Awesome ladies, simply awesome. I’m holding out for a hero, indeed. And when she finally arrives, she’ll be wearing a bra. Or at the very least a nicely formed breast-plate.

[Hat tip, slacker & julissa for the WB tip!]


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Awww...what a nice way to start a Tuesday...with a mention on the blog.

    Good fanvid, also.

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    "That felt good." Indeed it did!

  3. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Xena comes to mind as my all time favourite heroin. Now if i can get a girl to wine&dine moi i will be satisfied that women/men are indeed equal.

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Thanks a million for that video and pep talk. My compliments to the videomakers.
    We gotta stick together women, and fight the good fight!

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    That was just Awsome. Xena and Buffy, the best ever!

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Speaking of super women..Watch till the very end.


  7. Holy crap I got mentioned! on another note...it kinda scares me how my hetero mom loves xena more than any lesbian i know.

  8. oh, this was just all kindsa special....


    great vid to eat dinner by.

  9. Anonymous8:10 PM

    brilliant! love it.
