Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I’m a believer

Hello? [Tap, tap] This thing on? [Crickets] Wow, not into Kate’s bum self-portrait I guess. Hmm, well how about Holly Hunter’s real-life bum? I must admit, I haven’t exactly been following “Saving Grace.” While I love Holly Hunter, I wasn’t terribly impressed by the pilot or its touched-by-a-good-ol’-boy-angel premise, and skipped it in favor of the razor-sharp moral jigsaw of “Damages.” (Not that they’re on at the same time, but I can only add so many new shows and still get in my required four hours of Food Network each night…I’m kidding…sort of.) Now, people have told me that “Saving Grace” improved considerably after the premiere, but I still wasn’t compelled to give it another go.

But then last night I was flipping channels and, well, Holly Hunter’s ass made me a believer. After last night’s episode it’s safe to say that I’ve been converted. The scene opened with Grace in the midst of a bedroom romp. It ended with her handcuffed to the bedpost, naked as the day she was born. And, yes, we see the full monty. Well, the full backside monty. Thank you TNT, my new favorite network. Sadly, I couldn’t get the technical wizardry together to get you a screencap. But, needless to say, Holly works out. (Catch the repeat at 8 p.m. Thursday on TNT, and don’t tune in late or you’ll miss the best part.)

Actually, the whole episode was quite intriguing. It involved a crime from Grace’s past, murder, redemption, handcuffs, tabouli. What’s not to love? And it reminded me that while I may not be totally sold on the “God has plans for you” concept, a great actress and smart writing can overcome whatever spiritual misgivings one might have. Also, a nice butt shot doesn’t hurt either.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Ohhh yes...I believe!

    Love the show (when I can watch)

  2. I've gone back and forth about the show, not being a fan of Oklahoma yahoo stuff, but Holly Hunter is very good, and the show does get under your skin.

  3. Anonymous6:14 PM

    oklahoma yahoo stuff - what does that mean?

    holly hunter is the shit ... ya'll.

    she is a fantastic actress and a beauty as well.

  4. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I'm with you, girl:: only Hunter and Miller (the main writer for the show) can take me where angels tread. With lesser guides, it would be just too hokey.

    As it is, there are plenty of reasons to watch the so-called encore season of this show. My girl Dame Rhetorica spells it out for everyone here on the AfterEllen site: just add /node/22239 to the site's main URL.

  5. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I'm with you, girl:: only Hunter and Miller (the main writer for the show) can take me where angels tread. With lesser guides, it would be just too hokey.

    As it is, there are plenty of reasons to watch the so-called encore season of this show. My girl Dame Rhetorica spells it out for everyone here on AfterEllen.com. To read her post, get the URL for the main AE site in your browser and add the following: backslash node backslash 22239.

  6. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Oklahoma yahoo stuff:
    It means back-slappin’, beer drinkin’, shit-kickin’, testosterone-fuelled “stuff”.
