Monday, July 16, 2007

Separated at Hairspray

I know I’m the wrong target demographic (i.e. neither a teenage girl or a gay male), but I just don’t get Zac Efron. I mean, I guess the 19-year-old bit of peach fuzz is cute in a Kewpie doll kind of way. And sure, he sings, he dances and he knows how to mystic tan. But I’m not entirely sure I understand why he has exploded all over the gossip blogs of late. Then, I realized that in our everything-old-is-new-again culture, perhaps Zac’s celebrity is just another case of lazy fame recycling. How else could you account for the fact that he looks like an unholy mash-up of Clay Aiken, Daniela Sea and Lindsay Lohan?


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I don't get it either.

    I liked the Link in the original movie. He had that whole Elvis look going for him. I think Efron's popularity comes from the fickle fate of having a Disney production on your resume, which means that if he doesn't develop an adult following, he's likely to find his fans outgrowing him in short order.

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Wow, creepy!

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    wow, you forgot to include Jared Leto in that mix!

    too funny!

  4. The boy can't sing. Just listen to High School Musical. No one in that poor excuse for a musical can sing. It hurts my musical theater loving ears.
