Friday, July 13, 2007

Lesbian Menace, Interrupted

God, is it possible that Bill O’Reilly is even more smug and self-righteous when pseudo-apologizing than when he is just spewing his normal outrageous bullshit? After the fear-mongering hysteria he and Rod Wheeler whipped up around the supposed “national epidemic” of lesbian gangs (To Recap: Lesbians packing pink pistols are coming to recruit and indoctrinate your daughters into homosexuality and a life of crime. Run, straight people, run!), Mr. O’Really Crazy sorta kinda issued an apology. He had a GLAAD spokesman on to discuss the “story” and then proceeded to essentially unapologize:
“All I’m trying to tell you is it’s a valid story…There are gay gangs, it’s a growing phenomena, we reported it and it should be reported.”

Must. Control. Anger. Though, he did concede that he at least feels safer when walking the mean streets now: “I am not in fear of the lesbians beating me up when I go out tonight.” Don’t get too cocky there, buddy. I can think of a few lesbians who would relish the thought of kicking your ass right about now.


  1. Please sign me up for the nearest armed lesbian gang!

  2. Bill had the GLAAD spokesman on the show so he could have someone to interrupt and talk over. Bill O'Reaaaalllly? just blamed everyone else for a story aired on his show that was blown entirely out of proportion. He didn't apologize he just reminded the public that it could be true.

    He's on my last nerve.

  3. FACT: FOX News is a CONSERTATIVE SLANTED news agency with an agenda.

    FACT: FOX and O'RIELLY are homophobic pricks that make shit up.......

    FACT: IGNORE IT.......if, someone in your family or a straight friend mentions it and says it must be true because O'Rielly reported......ask them if that's the first they ever heard of it? and It was reported on FOX that just happens to be REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE, right? They will anwser "Yes" to both.......therefore, you can say "Well, then it must be true, since no one else seems to be reporting on it!"

  4. my crew and I are gonna beat Bill over the head repeatedly with a falafel-smeared loofah.....

    vertigo & delurk - you're welcome to join us.

  5. It's a date, metasin girl.

  6. maybe the guy from glaad would like to join the gang too? what, he's a guy? that's ok, it's not like fox would report the story accurately anyway, is it?

    must remember to just not look or listen to anything b.o. says. it is not worth the blood pressure pills ...

    if you have a mildly scatalogical inclination and haven't seen it yet, to cheer yourself up go find clips from graham norton's interview of cagney and lacey last week!

  7. Score! I'll bring an extra loofah, MetaSin Girl!!
