Tuesday, June 19, 2007

When bad suits happen to good people

Listen I know that I’m late to the party and the last one left at the bar when it comes to Ellen’s big Daytime Emmy Awards wins. But I just felt I needed to bend the Big E’s ear for a minute, because I know how much she values my opinion.Ellen, darling. I love that you have like 16 million Emmys at home. I love that you planted a big old wet one on Portia when you won, again. I love that you gave Rosie a shout out and said “The View” should have won the shiny, sharp weapon award this year. And I LOVE that you always wear suits.Sadly, I do not love this suit. And the shoes, they’re not helping. No one should feel like Col. Sanders’ gay brother on her big night. I don’t care how much you love fried chicken, that’s just wrong.


  1. You know, it's one thing if she has to be that way, but does she have to go around shoving it in our faces?
    I mean, even lesbians shouldn't be forced to face bad fashion the way Ellen makes us.

  2. i'm totally agreed. but if ellen is as stubborn as i am about outfit, nothing gonna help.

  3. I adore Ellen. Not sexually tho... She is too old! But the woman is funny, and that suit, well God forbid she ever wears it again...

  4. Anonymous10:39 AM

    She so deserve this! Congrats to Ellen! I wnato to be just like her when i get famous! Never loose my humor!
