Friday, June 08, 2007

No more house calls

“Grey’s Anatomy” doc and resident f-bomb hurler Isaiah Washington has been fired and will not return to the show next season. And so ends an ugly saga for the country’s top-rated drama. What I hope people take away from this whole mess is that if you throw gay slurs at co-workers, then -- eventually -- not even a mea culpa in the form of a gay-friendly PSA will save your job. Which, really, is how it should be.


  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Does this make up for the previous post about Paris? No, but it does say that every once in a while, somebody does the right thing.
    It's like a little match light in the darkness that keeps my faith in humans alive.

  2. So rehab for homophobia doesn't work?? Go figure...
