Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Weekend Crush

Few women can make me laugh as consistently as Leisha Hailey. When a simple “Uh-uh” can cause a fit of giggles, you know you’re good. Her comic timing is impeccable, her epic adorableness is unparalleled. A gay woman with a good sense of humor, God, is there anything sexier? All that and the girl can flat out rock. I knew and loved Leisha from her days in The Murmurs long before The L Word was even a glimmer in Ilene Chaiken’s eye. Hell, I even smile every time I see one of her silly yogurt commercials. She is -- to put it simply -- practically perfect in every way. Plus, can you think of anyone more fun than her to spend this leisurely Memorial Day weekend with? No, me neither. See you Tuesday, but until then may visions of lovely Leisha dance in your head. Here, I’ll even get you started. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Awww, she's so lovely! Thanks for that vid, it certainly brightened up my day.

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    EXCELLENT choice!!!!

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Ahhh....I LOVE HER!! What a great choice for the long weekend.

    I could write so much more but it would not be enough to capture how wonderful she is. crush :-)

  4. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Most excellent!

    Leisha Hailey is one of the few consistently good things on that show. Even when the show is bad, I know LeH's going to bring a little bit of kooky sunshine to it all.

    By the way, did you know Ilene Chaiken created "The L Word"?

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I had never seen nor heard of her before The L Word, but she is fab. I love her, too. That was a great little video montage.

  6. Your best Weekend Crush!
    Leisha is the bees in all the ways you so succinctly describe.

    I've been patiently waiting for her to surface on your pages. It has to happen sometime soon, I kept telling myself.

    Am now sending you subliminal messages for my next choice ...

    Cheers Dot! x
