Friday, May 04, 2007

My Weekend Crush

While the debate still rages in America about whether Hillary Clinton or any woman, for that matter, could be elected president, the question is being put to the test this weekend in France. On Sunday, French voters will go to the polls and could make history by electing Ségolène Royal the country’s first-ever Madame la Presidente. Now, admittedly, I haven’t followed the daily ins-and-outs of the campaign or the finer points of her political agenda. But what I have seen of the 53-year-old politician, I like. From this outsider’s perspective, she seems to blend strength with compassion in her stances on everything from the economy to education and gay rights. And she is proving to a world that so often wants to place women in prescribed boxes that we can be many things all at once. We can be smart and we can be sexy. We can be gritty and we can be glamorous. We can be tough and we can be tender. And, we can -- if given the chance -- be just as good a president as any man. Happy weekend, all.

UPDATE: Well, damn. Je suis très désolé, mes amis français.


  1. Unfortunetly, I'm not sure she'll be our new presidente. The supposed future one, Nicolas Sarkozy, is truly a conservative man who will be elected with the help of old citizen (more than 50 years). He is against gay mariage and gay adoption. My girlfriend and I are thinking about moving in Canada for a while... Just to say that if you are gay and french the next five years could become harsh...

  2. Calixthe, I think that a whole lot more than just us gay frenchies will be having a harsh time if the "dwarf" gets elected... Thank you Dorothy for bringing Ségolène to the spotlight of your blog :)

  3. I have read and watched bits on the French election, and if I were French I'd vote for Royal - not just because she's a woman, but because I think of the two candidates she is the more "socially engaged" one; she seems to look forward to the future and help French citizens by creating opportunities - for the younger generations "dans la banlieu", too.
    I would not vote for Sarkozy, because (in my opinion) he sometimes sounds a bit like Jean-Marie Le Pen...

  4. I like Madame Royal! I'm not french and can't vote, but I've been following the whole thing on CNN... I like her. I I find her hot! So, she is also my weekend crush! LOL!

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    She just seems to have so much dignity, especially compared to Hilary:

    How disappointing that Sarkozy won.

  6. Éh bien. Desolée les filles! Come to Montréal!
    We;ve already had a female Prime Minister (ok, interim) and the leader of the Parti Quebecois is a gay man.

  7. thank you for your offer Leila, we are thinking about coming to Canada. I always loved the country who invented the Trivial Pursuit ;)
