Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Surrenders Turns One

Despite all odds and odder technological breakdowns (not to mention the mental ones), today marks my one-year blogging anniversary. That’s right folks, Dorothy Surrenders turns one today and I couldn’t be prouder of the wee tyke. OK, so the blog still tends to drool, isn’t properly potty trained and can’t string together a coherent sentence, but baby steps, people, baby steps. Overall, it has been an eventful and rewarding year. A look at the first 365 days, by the numbers:

  • 342 posts posted
  • 530 comments logged
  • 2 awards lost
  • 7,251 typos typed

In all seriousness, I started Surrenders on a whim and now it has become a whim with readers. For whatever reason, you marvelous fools keep coming back. You come from Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Russia, Iceland, Turkey, Morocco, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, India, China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Senegal, Namibia, South Africa, Guam, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and even these here United States. (If I missed your country*, my apologies and holla!) As Jenny would say, “Big kiss to you!” So pucker up, all of you. You really are the reason I do this. Well, you and the voices in my head.

*NOTE: I’ve added your countries as they’ve popped up. Yes, that includes the shamefully overlooked Iceland. Thank you one and all for the kind blogday wishes. I’m feeling this strange sensation. It’s warm. It’s fuzzy. Must…resist… Awww, dammit, it’s hard to be a misanthrope when you feel this loved.


  1. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Congrats! I found your blog via Afterellen and really enjoy it.

  2. I was one of your first readers and the funny kept me coming back. Big kiss to blog!

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Big kiss to you too!

    Silvia from Italy

  4. Congrats!
    To - at least - one more year :)

    I only recently started reading your blog (accidentally found it through Google).

  5. Happy Birthday! Guess what?! It's mine too! I turned 3 today which means I'm finally out of diapers but as insolent and bratty as ever.

    I'm so happy I found your blog. I think you're just swell. Even so, I'll do my best not to let the sibling rivalry/jealousy thing manifest itself in the form of hair pulling, eye poking or any of the sort. I'm more of a biting kind of blogger myself...

    Congrats once again and best wishes!

    Curly :)

  6. Anonymous5:44 AM

    happy 1st birthday to my favourite blog!

    big kiss from finland.

  7. Apparently ‘paper’ is appropriate for one year anniversaries? So I googled this ‘paper’ thing – turns out it’s a quaint communication device from the 20th century. Who knew? So I suggest an ink cartridge instead for your anniversary, which seems more appropriate. I only recently discovered your blog - therefore, it’s too soon for me to send you a gift, but maybe someone else will. Congratulations tho!

  8. Happy birthday. Found you via Afterellen. Love the blog. Big kiss from Brazil.

  9. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I love your blog!
    Happy 1st Birthday and congratulations.
    You keep me laughing....

  10. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Congrats on the anniversary.
    Keep up the good work and the funny. I even like the typos.

  11. Congratulations from New Hampshire!

  12. How random, but I just looked back and my blog turns 2 this week too. You know what that means right? Way back in the month of August, we were all getting frisky and 9 months later, behold: the fruit from our loins! Or whatevs.

    Anyway, Happy to you, I'd totally choose you as my late night drunken euchre partner and we would kick some ass, Ms Snarker, and we would take no prisoners. Beware the Hoosiers!

  13. Yay!Congragfrickenlations! Surrenders always makes me smile. Cheers!

  14. Happy B Day! My day's not complete until I check in with Dorothy.

  15. Excellent one and thank you for blogging, you make my days - well part of 'em anyway.

    Big kiss to you too !

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I enjoy your blog immensely:-)
    Keep on writing wonderfully funny and quirky posts...I know i'll keep on reading them everyday.

  17. You missed Iceland. How could you miss such a big important country? I mean, there's almost three hundred thousand people here!
    Congratulations from Iceland.

  18. Bravo! Your blog brightens my day and soothes my ever aching appetite dykey gossip. *burp*

    kisses from DC!

  19. Anonymous5:01 PM

    feliz cumpleanos! i have a bottle of champagne here for you. =)

  20. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Your blog is quickly becoming essential reading to me. Love your sensibility and your sense of humor. Thanks and happy blog birthday!

  21. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Keep blogging girl!!! You make me glad to be lez in Malaysia!

  22. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Happy Birthday, Sweetie.
    (I'm still your favorite euchre partner, right?)


  23. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Since I found you my life has not been the same - starting out with Dorothy every day is the best. Ok sometimes I don't start the day with Dorothy but I always read it sometime and I always like it. You old misanthropic sweetie !! Happy Blogday to you!

  24. Happy Birthday Surrenders! Glad to find your blog which illumintates my working days.

  25. Anonymous12:19 AM

    With Alice and all her friends in Wonderland, which I always figured was somewhere not so far from Oz, let me be among the first to say, "A very merry unbirthday to you."

    May you enjoy 363 more this year,


  26. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Happy Birthday!
    ildikó from Romania... :)

  27. Hehe good thing I waited a little, because this morning when I checked for updates my little country wasn't on the list and I felt neglected, and I'm a resident stalker on your blog. And voila! there it is now. So, greetings from Croatia and all the best wishes to Surrenders blog and may we all read from you for many years to come. Cheers!

  28. Another Happy Birthday and big kiss to you from Israel. I love your blog!
