Thursday, March 29, 2007

A kiss is just a kiss

The much tittered about Courteney Cox/Jennifer Aniston kiss on the “Dirt” season finale has come and gone, yet somehow the world keeps on spinning. If you missed it, you didn’t miss much. They talked like old Friends (with benefits, no less) and then left each other with a quick on-the-lips peck. Of course, the kiss had to be played out for the male gaze. A colleague catches the smooch and draws his own Dirt-y conclusions. Yawn. Though, I give Jen credit for the little butt rub there near the end. Nice.


  1. And may I just add ... although I think Courtney sucks in this show, (the whole show does), I'd like to applaud her for showing Jennifer the light and saying, "Go towards that lesbian light, Jen!"

    I'll take her on my team. :-)

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Somewhere, Joey Tribbiani's head just exploded :)

    Okay, more seriously, what happened to Courtney Cox? Her lips grew and her cheeks shrank. She looks like a skull wearing wax lips. Creepy. Step away from the plastic surgeon, girls.

  3. Step away from the cigarettes, Jenn.

  4. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Why do they call that a lesbian kiss? If that is what a lesbian kiss is then I have been lezzing with all my female friends.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Wow, that really wasn't worth all the hype now was it? What a bummer.
