Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Hate Huckabees

Wow, well that seals it for me. I’m never going to see another David O. Russell movie again. What an amazing dickhead. Not only does the director explode on Lily Tomlin with a misogynistic temper tantrum on the set of “I Heart Huckabees,” he also throws, kicks and slams everything within arms reach. Real professional, dude. So is screaming, “YOU’RE A FUCKING GROWN UP! ACT LIKE A GROWN UP!” and “I NEVER FUCKING YELLED AT YOU!” Way to prove your point. You totally seem like a non-yelling grown up now. Of course, sadly, none of his behavior is unprecedented. He famously almost got into fisticuffs with George Clooney on the set of “Three Kings” over the director’s treatment of the cast. What an ass. Though through the whole ugly tirade, you’ve got to love Lily’s smart-ass retorts. Especially her last one after he yells at her that he isn’t yelling: “You set the yelling standard for the whole set.” You tell him, Edith Ann.

p.s. This clip is filled with the f-, b- and c-bombs, so grab your headphones if you are at work and suppress your gag reflex.
p.p.s Several of the versions were pulled from YouTube yesterday, so if the embed gets yanked, I’ll post a transcript later.


  1. Give it up for Lily Tomlin for keeping her cool in the face of that abusive tantrum. What a dick, indeed.

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Wow, that's both horrible and awesome at the same time. I can't imagine anyone wanting to work with someone like that.

  3. the guy sure seems like a jerk. at the same time, what do we know about how lily tomlin behaved, i.e., to what he was responding?

    i really want to like her - we share the same birthday! but the jury is still out for me (e.g. the whole coming-out interview with armistead maupin in the advocate that wasn't ... went to see the celluloid closet around that time and the audience booed her voiceover).

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Not to defend Mr. Russell, but from the clip, it appears that Lily Tomlin started the ball rolling down the *&^()$# hill. Nevertheless, his reaction was completely over-the-top and truly ugly. Looks like we've found another candidate for Asshole Rehab.

  5. ooh, transcript pees.

    i missed the boat ...

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I love Lily and all but actually, she started it with a whole crazy rant beforehand. A video of that was floating around on Youtube a few days ago but has mysteriously disappeared already.

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    i've worked in film and while i *heart* lily, they're both totally out of line. veteran actors can be hard people to please.
    especially when they think they're right. and his handling of it was worse than a child throwing and temper tantrum in the middle of k-mart.

  8. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I can't imagine someone on my staff speaking to me like Lily did to him; however, his response, the name calling and the language could not be more inappropriate. I can't imagine working in that atmosphere.

  9. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Before you judge Tomlin too harshly, you should know that Russell (the director) has a reputation for stirring up his actors to get a reaction. He's notorious in Hollywood for getting actors wound up.

    I think he just met his match in Tomlin. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

  10. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Yeah, I don't agree with the critiques of Lily Tomlin. We're definitely not seeing what agitated her -- but, I can definitely see how working with this dickhead (whose treatment of her was ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT and no comparison to her anger) would make her respond like that. It seems surprising that Hoffman didn't do anything, I guess.

  11. Anonymous10:18 PM

    David is a genius and the movie is completely brilliant. So he had a bad day and acted like a jerk. Big deal. To say you will not watch another movie by him is just silly and your loss.
