Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bringing Ugly Back

“Ugly Betty” returns tonight with a fresh new episode after a month of repeats. I know it has only been a month, but hasn’t the world seemed just a little less fabulous without your weekly dose of Bettyliciousness? I mean, a month without any of Betty’s big-braced smiles. A month without any withering Wilhelmina put downs. A month without any of office sycophants Marc and Amanda’s evil scheming. And, a month without gay-in-training Justin breaking into showtunes. Now, that is one long month.

In the meantime, the “Ugly Betty” phenomena keeps on rolling. Show executive producer and guest star Salma Hayek announced her pregnancy and engagement (somewhere Penelope Cruz is weeping into her pillow...) Plus Entertainment Weekly put Betty on its cover. But, seriously EW, don’t you think it’s a little premature to worry about the show jumping the shark? Damn, give them at least one season before you start the hand wringing. So much for the afterglow.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I was just wondering, what's the future of this show. Will this be just like those shows where the "ugly" girl becomes this "pretty" diva type.
    Also, I am not too comfortable with the show' title.
    People are calling it big in terms of how Betty can prove to be a role's all fine as long as they stay tuned to the same theme and not spoil it by making her a part of the same culture which she defies.

