Monday, January 08, 2007

Watch the L

Have you recovered from your “L Word” premiere hangover yet? What? You missed all the flippant character dismissals, rampant baby momma melodrama and coincidental child abandonment. Then fear not (or fear more, it’s a close call). You can watch the entire episode here. No word yet on whether all of Season 4 will be available online. But my guess is no, since Showtime is a pay channel and all. Watch’em while you got’em, ladies.

UPDATE: So Showtime, apparently, hates foreigners and won’t let folks outside of the good ’ol U.S. of A. view the download site. Xenophobic or just greedy? Either way, apologies to my international friends. Bummer (but - really - if you read Scribe Grrrl’s brilliant recaps each week, it’s like being there minus having to endure that damn Betty song).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    actually - Showtime might not be so greedy but the digital asset management system is. this seems to be a problem alot when dealing with foreign distribution.

    that's another whole cookie...
