Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pre-L: Layup

No, they don't got game...L404 - “Layup”

1) Alice decides to be the May to someone’s December.

2) Phyllis feels like a new woman. Then she rents the U-Haul.
Not ready for the WNBA...possibly ever3) Angus gets the blues. Kit cares. We don’t.

4) Bette meets Jodi. So much for first impressions.5) Jenny: the insanity continues. No animals were hurt in the making of this episode. Just our patience.6) Max…OK, I feel kind of sorry for Max.

7) Same goes for T&A Nadia.

8) Shane learns about playdates.

9) The WNBA this ain’t.

10) Hugo Boss, I salute you. New Guestbian Count: 3
[Marlee Matlin as Jodi; Kristanna Loken as Paige, Caroline Cave as Lindsay, a.k.a. the cute vet]

Low Point: It only took three and ¾ episodes for the season’s first oblique reference to Dana. Way to show you care.


  1. Are those men's underwear, or little boys'? Someone please hide those hipbones under some fat for me . . .

    I prefer Bette's arms ;-).

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Shane is so gorgeous. That Hugo Boss shot made the season for me!
