Friday, January 12, 2007

My Weekend Crush

You all know how I love a funny lady. Well, Amy Sedaris is as fearless as she is funny. Her Jerri Blank from “Strangers With Candy” is a cult classic. Her special blend of crazy has brightened up shows like “Sex and the City” and films like “Elf.” Her talk show appearances are must-see-TV. Trust me, if you see her name on the guest list, watch. Now, she is showing off her mad hostess skills in the new book “I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence.” It’s chock full of recipes, practical tips and etiquette advice. Advice like, “'Never try to out dress the hostess unless you are the guest of honor, or a transvestite.” Yeah, you should just buy it now. Hidden Bonus: Her brother is the brilliant, unspeakably hilarious writer David Sedaris. God, can you imagine Thanksgiving dinner in that family? Happy weekend, all.


  1. You can't have her, she's mine!

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    And as for fortune, and as for fame: She never invited them in.

    Though it seemed to the world they were all she desired they are illusions. They're not the solutions they promise to be.

    Not like rabbits.
