Friday, January 05, 2007

My Weekend Crush

Now, I’m not really a country gal. While I may have grown up in the Midwest, my musical taste gravitated away from torch and twang at an early age. But after watching “Shut Up & Sing” I’m in love with Dixie. Well, the Dixie Chicks, at least. I’ve always admired the band’s spunk and independent streak in a genre not always associated with strong women. And I liked them even more for not backing down during the “We’re ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas ” ad-lib backlash. The excellent documentary pushed my like into love. I particularly heart Natalie Maines. The tiny blonde lead singer is a spitfire in the best sense of the word. And if you thought hearing her say she was ashamed of Bush was good, you’ll swoon when she calls him a “dumb fuck.” Be still my heart. Happy weekend, all.


  1. I had the same experience after seeing Shut Up and Sing. I have been a casual fan (Fly was my road trip CD in the late 90's), but after seeing this film, I admire their heart as well as their harmonies.

  2. I totally had a Natalie Maines dream last night. She came to a party I was having and wanted to whisk me away into the night. Naturally, I allowed her. And then, fade. How disappointing! Where was my little Dixie Chick going to take me and what was she going to do with me? I felt cheated.

    Anyway, carry on!

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    say, there's lotso strong country music women. take loretta lynn (who actually wrote a song abt birth control), for example.
