Monday, January 15, 2007

Witchy Woman

Gosh, look at thoseAbracadabra indeed. Everyone’s favorite lesbian witch is back and looking extra flamey. The folks at Whedonesque gave Buffy fans clamoring for the March release of season 8 (in comic form) a heads up to the possible third cover by illustrator Jo Chen. One word: Wow. Our little Willow Rosenberg has come a long way since her softer side of Sears days. Lord, look at her back. And, uh, her front. I’m melting. Melting.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    OMG, that's hot! Thanks for the links, can't wait to see the comics!

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    {{sigh}} of all the shows put on tv in my time - this is one that i miss the most - alongside "my so called life"

    love me some willow

  3. thanks! I needed that!
