Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ladies, you need to cool it...

After all this talk about fake skit comedy shows, the real deal pulls through. Last weekend, SNL's Amy Poehler had her say about stars flashing their business all over town. Lady garden, snicker.

UPDATE: The clip is dead, please enjoy this partial transcript. Lady garden gets me every single time.
Speaking of Britney Spears, I’d just like to take a minute to address this latest trend: flashing your business while coming and/or leaving a limousine. Ladies, you need to cool it. Nobody wants to see your baby factory…What’s next? Shots of stars pooping out of a window?

And lastly, ladies, what’s up with all the deforestation going on down there? You need hair down there! It’s a backup system for underwear! Even when you’re showing it, you’re not really showing it! There was a time when a lady garden was as big as a slice of New York pizza. Then it turned into an upside down John Waters mustache!


  1. That was hilarious, thanks for sharing it. Flashin' beav, hahaha.

  2. I'm with you, I can't watch that thing without laughing! Then again, we midwestern gals are easy that way ;)

  3. Weekend Update aint the same without Tina Fey, but I'm glad to see that Poehler is still holding up her end of things ;)
