Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Holy crap!

The 2006 Weblog Awards

This crazy blog is a finalist in the 2006 Weblogs Awards in the Best LGBT Blog category. I feel like all of those overly-sincere actors the day the Oscar nominees are announced. It’s an honor just to be nominated. But, I really mean it. I’m ridiculously honored. I think there must have been a mistake. Perhaps I should ask for a recount? Because lord knows I have no chance of winning. I’m up against Pam’s House Blend and Queerty and Towleroad and lots of other blogs you’ve probably heard of before, unlike this little outpost. But, if somehow you’ve stumbled here and by chance like what you see, please consider throwing a vote my way. Thanks for reading. I’m going to go lie down now.

UPDATE: Voting starts Thursday and there should be hyperlinks to the nominated blogs by then, one would assume. And thanks for the congratulations. I feel all warm and fuzzy, though perhaps that's just the fleece I have on...


  1. Well done and well deserved! Cheers.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Congrats. Does anyone else find it weird that the listing of finalists weren't hyperlinked back to the blogs?

  3. I saw your comment at Pam's. I've never been here but that's what so great about the blog awards. Those of us who are inquisitive will explore.


    And Sarah, I heard they are going to link to the blogs -- supposedly they are working on it. That would indeed be very helpful.

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Congrats from one nominee to another!
