Friday, September 29, 2006

My Weekend Crush

Few women are more effortlessly elegant than Audrey Hepburn. She moves beyond beautiful and into exquisite. Not only was she a lovely actress, she was also a tireless humanitarian. Which makes it even more infuriating that those damn Gap ads are using her joyful dance from "Funny Face" to shill their awful skinny jeans. A world of no. I don't care if the company donated an undisclosed amount to the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund to use her image. And I'm not the only one who thinks it's wrong. The woman worked hard during her lifetime to maintain her legacy. Don't go muck it up to sell a couple pairs of pants. Grace like this was made for a higher purpose. Happy weekend, all.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, yet I disagree. The youth of today know little of Audrey. I absolutely adore those commercials because it embraces her free spirit. Perhaps it will sell a few jeans, however it will also make some wonder, "Who is that woman?"
    How many can compel an audience like that? Are you sure that is not something she would have embraced?
