Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kickball is the new softball

OK, so there is nothing extraordinary about this video, except that you get to watch CSI's yummy Jorja Fox play kickball (oh, fellow castmate Eric Szmanda - you know, the goofy lab tech turned field guy - is also there).

According to TMZ, they both play for the World Adult Kickball Association on a team called the Royal Blue Balls. Who knew? Kickball is apparently the new softball. And Jorja looks right at home playing the field, so to speak. I mean, girl's even got special kickball playing gloves on. Mighty butch if you ask me.

Only bad - she is a smoker. Boo! Jorja is such a great environmental, animal rights and human rights activist (plus a proud - if not completely open - toaster oven owner), how could she be a willing contributor to Big Tobacco?


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    How is she hiding? It's not like she's in magazines talking about how much she just loves being a heterosexual. There's a difference between hiding and not talking about it openly.

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Suzanne eh... Well, I consider this hiding big-time:
