Tuesday, March 05, 2024

They're Just Funny

Hello, would you like to laugh – not just at the inherent absurdity of our world, but really funny people? Wait, let me rephrase that, would you like to laugh at a bunch of really funny genderqueer people? Wait, let me rephrase that again, would you like to laugh with a bunch of really funny genderqueer people? Sorry, didn’t mean to come off like a bully about to stuff them into lockers…

I’m excited to enjoy the mid-week pick me up of Hannah Gadsby’s new ensemble comedy special “Gender Agenda” which debuts today on Netflix. The special features ALOK, Chloe Petts, DeAnne Smith, Ashley Ward, Jes Tom, Mx. Dahlia Belle, and Krishna Istha. You might remember DeAnne as the creator of that lesbian hummus cartoon which, honestly, is still hilarious. Mostly I’m just excited to have Netflix platform more queer, trans and otherwise genderqueer folks instead of those transphobic asshats it keeps giving big contracts. Like Chappelle hasn’t been funny since George W. Bush was still in office, and yet.

So, anyway, let’s all have a good laugh at his expense thanks to these very funny queers. For him it’s definitely at and not with.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Loved them all. DE Smiths opener about Russian nesting doll lesbians killed me. spit take big time.

  2. Carmen San Diego11:41 PM

    The lesbian hummus cartoon is just * chefs kiss*
